What Vaporizer is this?


Active Member
Hey whats up?

I posted this on another forum, but I haven't gotten any answers so I was wondering if you guys knew...

I was on vapirs website late last night and clicked through to this vaporizer but today i cant find any info on it. I tried to google no2 but nothing came up.

Anybody have info on it? The page said there was an internal rechargeable battery but not much else:confused:

this was in my cache:


Well-Known Member
is this the medical grade portable one? its brand new costs like 2K or something outrageous. dopefiend reviewed it and said it was great but too expensive. i dont know for sure thats whats in the pic, though i think so.


Well-Known Member
I can find no info on it other than this
- This picture is from the newest issue of maxim magazine. So it could be a new model that has not been released for retail sales, but really have no idea.


Active Member
I can find no info on it other than this
- This picture is from the newest issue of maxim magazine. So it could be a new model that has not been released for retail sales, but really have no idea.

i was just gonna post this! From the looks of it, it will have an INTERNAL rechargeable battery. If it hits anything like the oxygen mini then I'll be happy. The only thing i didnt like about the oxygen mini was the external battery pack. Pretty stoked that it's only $150!!