what to put in compost?


Well-Known Member
ok so the compost is coming along very well! i started off with some good soil mixed in some sand and peat moss. ive added chopped up apple cores, lots of egg shells, chopped up leftover potatoes, tea bags, pine needles, and grass clippings. its coming along pretty well but i noticed today when i was adding some more tea bags that there are little white bugs everywhere in my compost! is this ok? i have a tarp over the big pot but its just on top of it, i didnt strap it down or anything. i just would like to know if these bugs are goin to fuck it up or not...?
It is up to you what you can add. As much as better. Here are photos of my first compost work (very much work for this quantity):

Compost consists around 11-12 ingredients - manure, dry and semi-dry grass, soil and soil from the area of decomposed leaves and bushes in the forest, lime leaves, cherry, pear, chips, fresh leaves of cabbage and mashed cabbages, hips.

These pics are made almost 1 month ago. Now there is a lot of changes - flies flying around my pile, it is very hot, when I mix it to let some airflow (once per week mixing and adding water if needed). I will take photos after at least 1 full month from start, so we can see the change. The pile is wrapped now and I can't wait to see it and work on it again next week. Just a little trick - I made one separate small pile, so I can see how It must look like the big monsta pile :)