What the Tea Parties were all about ...


New Member
Well Twisty, would you believe it if I said I agreed with you about the GOP? Believe it, because I do agree with you.

Yes, I keep talking about fascism, because that is exactly where we are being led. Obama is just the latest runner in the relay race to serfdom and with a Democrat House and Senate, its full speed ahead. Bush was the runner right before Obama ... but it didn't start with Bush. With few exceptions, from Teddy Roosevelt on, we have been led by fascists in the White House. The fact that most Americans have been dumbed down and don't recognize fascism when they see it, or even have a clue as to what it is, isn't the fault of those who do.



New Member
The thing is, these are throw away people created by the likes of you, the ones you so despise, you have created by your unfettered capitalism and your quasi-social separation.
Wrong, Med. These people, for the most part, are victims of government dependency. This is the result of people like YOU who think that the answer is more government programs even in the face of proven government program failures. As I've pointed out many times in this forum before, we have spent TRILLIONS on LBJ's War on Poverty since the 1960s ... and yet, we still have these "throw-away people" you talk about. Is the answer even more money extracted from the productive to pay for even more government programs?

Oh yeah ... and this "unfettered capitalism" you alluded to. Other than the underground economy, where do you see capitalism "unfettered?"



New Member
I gotta say it was funny as hell to hear Faux News call Bush a mafia thugster that forced the banks to take the money and sign on the dotted line. I was like, YEAH he did that for 8 years, and now Faux is "Shocked" at this. LOL

BTW its was on todays Glenn Beck show.

p.s. yes, I listen to Faux news occationally. That shit is entertainment. No Spin, LOL.....


New Member
Wrong, Med. These people, for the most part, are victims of government dependency. This is the result of people like YOU who think that the answer is more government programs even in the face of proven government program failures. As I've pointed out many times in this forum before, we have spent TRILLIONS on LBJ's War on Poverty since the 1960s ... and yet, we still have these "throw-away people" you talk about. Is the answer even more money extracted from the productive to pay for even more government programs?

Oh yeah ... and this "unfettered capitalism" you alluded to. Other than the underground economy, where do you see capitalism "unfettered?"

You just don't get it, Never have, never will. I retire from combat with you. You are a lost cause. Spinning my wheels to you is not that entertaining. You see black where I see white and visa-versa. No logic can unhinge your mind. The door is slammed shut [Now watch, he'll turn this around and make it my slammed shut mind] It's a no win situation, I give up. I'll continue to oppose his views, but I'm done with arguing with him.

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that he's got all the answers.. but at least he's doing something... whats the GOP doing... besides trying to disrupt everything he does in the hope that he fails, as your drug addict friend Rush wants... Rush you remember him..that paragon of virtue...

But Bush was closer to Hitler then anyone else has or will be... if the rt had their way it'd be gays and people who had abortions that would be "showered"..... oh yeah... lets not forget the Dems.... make room..move to the back of the bus..
Hah! Bush is closer to Hitler than Obama? Take a look at proposed bill HR 1388. In case you don't "have the time" I'll sum it up for you. If you take a federal student loan, you are required to serve three years for the big man. Not too bad yet I guess... get his (the federal reserve and world bank's) money, give him a little of your life. But, hear me out, these loan recipients are "not to engage in attempting to influence legislation, or organizing in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes." Wouldn't want anyone being able to stand up for what they believe in now would we? It also says that you may not engage in religious instruction, conduct worship services, construct, operate, or maintain those facilities used for religious instruction.

Sounds pretty totalitarian to me. But, that's just me. Let Him tell you what to do. I mean, he's got all the great ideas, right?


New Member
Sounds pretty totalitarian to me. But, that's just me. Let Him tell you what to do. I mean, he's got all the great ideas, right?[/quote]

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
Oh, and another thing. You guys think it sucks that growing cannabis is illegal? Anyone hear about the proposed bill that would outlaw growing any of your own fruit or vegetable plants "because of the risk of salmonella" or some such bullshit?
By the way, these aren't simply harmless proposals either. Take a look at cspan every once in awhile. Those bastards vote wholeheartedly for these bills without even reading the whole heaping stacks of paper. Criminals...

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty totalitarian to me. But, that's just me. Let Him tell you what to do. I mean, he's got all the great ideas, right?

Haha gotta love you man. Don't agree with you, but much love for standing up for whatever it is that you believe in.


New Member
Oh, and another thing. You guys think it sucks that growing cannabis is illegal? Anyone hear about the proposed bill that would outlaw growing any of your own fruit or vegetable plants "because of the risk of salmonella" or some such bullshit?
By the way, these aren't simply harmless proposals either. Take a look at cspan every once in awhile. Those bastards vote wholeheartedly for these bills without even reading the whole heaping stacks of paper. Criminals...
I agree with that, criminals all.


Well-Known Member
I want to understand, what is a pergressive/liberal?? What makes one tick?? Is it hatred of Capitalism?? Do you think Government can provide service better then private companies?? You don't like Greed I get that, but why?? I can understand wanting guaranteed retirement savings I can. Other then that, I'm really at a loss.

I am not baiting, I literally do not get it. I think I'm gonna google that shit.


Well-Known Member
Never mind I figured it out :

According to Bezmenov the KGB of the USSR pumped Communist ideology into three generations of American students. The universities and schools were infiltrated, the curriculum was changed, and a disguised form of enemy thinking was taught to American children. “In other words,” says Bezmenov, “Marxism-Leninism ideology [was] pumped into the soft heads of … American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism – American patriotism. The result … you can see. Most of the people who graduated in the sixties, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli, in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You still cannot change the basic perception and logic of behavior…. In other words … the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”

Heres a like to the full artical, this guy is a former KGB agent

This makes the most sence seeing how willing Liberals are to use force and violence to achieve their progressive/big government goals.


New Member
Never mind I figured it out :

According to Bezmenov the KGB of the USSR pumped Communist ideology into three generations of American students. The universities and schools were infiltrated, the curriculum was changed, and a disguised form of enemy thinking was taught to American children. “In other words,” says Bezmenov, “Marxism-Leninism ideology [was] pumped into the soft heads of … American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism – American patriotism. The result … you can see. Most of the people who graduated in the sixties, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli, in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You still cannot change the basic perception and logic of behavior…. In other words … the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”

Heres a like to the full artical, this guy is a former KGB agent

This makes the most sence seeing how willing Liberals are to use force and violence to achieve their progressive/big government goals.

Well, that makes things in this forum clear as a bell. Thanks for posting that Ilkan.

I now understand why you are coming from where you are, Med. Brainwashing.



New Member
Never mind I figured it out :

According to Bezmenov the KGB of the USSR pumped Communist ideology into three generations of American students. The universities and schools were infiltrated, the curriculum was changed, and a disguised form of enemy thinking was taught to American children. “In other words,” says Bezmenov, “Marxism-Leninism ideology [was] pumped into the soft heads of … American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism – American patriotism. The result … you can see. Most of the people who graduated in the sixties, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli, in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You still cannot change the basic perception and logic of behavior…. In other words … the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”

Heres a like to the full artical, this guy is a former KGB agent

This makes the most sence (Sense) seeing how willing Liberals are to use force and violence to achieve their progressive/big government goals.
If you believe this crap, then you are the one that is brainwashed. Why do you think he is spieling this crap? To incite separation, division, chaos. If you listen to him, you are definently being brainwashed and are the crux of the problem. Geeze Ilkan, I figured you were smarter than that, go figure. You are lowering yourself to Vi territory now.


Well-Known Member
Hah! Bush is closer to Hitler than Obama? Take a look at proposed bill HR 1388. In case you don't "have the time" I'll sum it up for you. If you take a federal student loan, you are required to serve three years for the big man. Not too bad yet I guess... get his (the federal reserve and world bank's) money, give him a little of your life. But, hear me out, these loan recipients are "not to engage in attempting to influence legislation, or organizing in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes." Wouldn't want anyone being able to stand up for what they believe in now would we? It also says that you may not engage in religious instruction, conduct worship services, construct, operate, or maintain those facilities used for religious instruction.

Sounds pretty totalitarian to me. But, that's just me. Let Him tell you what to do. I mean, he's got all the great ideas, right?
You really should study history before you air an opinion. Please learn the difference between socialist and fascist.


New Member
I want to understand, what is a pergressive/liberal?? What makes one tick?? Is it hatred of Capitalism?? Do you think Government can provide service better then private companies?? You don't like Greed I get that, but why?? I can understand wanting guaranteed retirement savings I can. Other then that, I'm really at a loss.

I am not baiting, I literally do not get it. I think I'm gonna google that shit.
Here's a clue. We are more about people than money. We basically believe a country should be responsive to the needs of the citizens. After all, isn't that what we elected them to do, our bidding. We want full and cost efficient health care for all citizens, regardless of income. This is served very well in most of the rest of the 1st world countries. In fact, we spend more on our worthless health care per citizen that any other country, the reason, Profit. Our healthcare system is based on how much profit can the private sector grab from the citizens before they storm the Bastille. Every year the cost of health care escalates in double digits. Universal health care is the only answer. Get rid of profit, nationalize the hospitals, abolish the insurance and HMO corporations. They only exist for one reason, the bottom line, they care not about the patient. Yes, I believe when set up and running, the national health care system would outshine the current one tenfold. We want jobs. Instead of making drug sales the industry of the inner cities, bring back manufacturing jobs.
The corporations with their greed have totally wiped out the possibilities for inner city youth. The bottom line only works for investors. this has become an investor society. there are those with investments, and the rest of us. The rest of us want the investors to quit being so fucking greedy, and have the corporations provide jobs at a living wage where everyone gets a slice of the pie. we don't want charity, we want a chance to earn our way.
I could go on for hours, but it is obvious that you must be in the investor class and want things to remain as they are. It is class war, not republicans and democrats, it is about surviving the greed of the investor class, right now, the worker class has no options but to sell drugs and guns and be criminals. Ask 90% of the worker class what they want and you'll get: "A decent job".


Well-Known Member
but it is obvious that you must be in the investor class and want things to remain as they are. It is class war, not republicans and democrats, it is about surviving the greed of the investor class, right now, the worker class has no options but to sell drugs and guns and be criminals. Ask 90% of the worker class what they want and you'll get: "A decent job".

Nay, nay, I have said before I make about 35k a year and have 3 kids and a wife. I wish I was in an invester class as you say.

Our healthcare system is based on how much profit can the private sector grab from the citizens before they storm the Bastille.

I don't see this the same way, I don't think its as simple as all that. While what you say is true. I would say that it is due to government regulations that prevent comptition. Remember Hugo Chavez? He wanted to sell gas in the US cheap we stoped him, Why?? Because he nationalized the Oil. Ok, so are we afraid to run free enterprise ageinst state run?? I don't think so free enterprise will blow it out of the water So what is really happening, The Government is protecting its favored buisnesses. And indeed Gougeing no doubt in my mind.

Get rid of profit, nationalize the hospitals, abolish the insurance and HMO corporations. They only exist for one reason, the bottom line, they care not about the patient. Yes, I believe when set up and running, the national health care system would outshine the current one tenfold.

Sorry I don't buy it. Once we start down that road we will have ever increasing prices and ever decreasing service. See the VA you say it would be fine if they only had more money ever more money. I say open up competition free the market.

We want jobs. Instead of making drug sales the industry of the inner cities, bring back manufacturing jobs.

Good idea, but first we need to get rid of the managed trade, I say if Japan has 100% taiffs on us slap them with the same 100% we could take it better then them. And it would help level the feild for our workers. "Free trade" is not all its been cracked up to be.

The corporations with their greed have totally wiped out the possibilities for inner city youth. The bottom line only works for investors. this has become an investor society.

While I agree with you that the bottem line has become the main thing for these people. It also comes down to regulations that stop competition People have a hard time starting/running buisnesses because of government regs. I say you stop companies from legislating advantages for themselves. Like that new food safty bill they got that will basicly outlaw organic farming who does that benift??

The rest of us want the investors to quit being so fucking greedy, and have the corporations provide jobs at a living wage where everyone gets a slice of the pie. we don't want charity, we want a chance to earn our way.

If you wanted to earn your way you would want to see your buisnesses do well that means the investers who payed to start the buisness and keep it running must make a profit. I would have you keep your wealth and forbid government from taking or indeed desroying your wealth.

I see the same problems that you see however, We take two diffrent approaches on how to deal with it. I would let freedom and free enterprise work, you would steal and enslave. I would protect no one from competition, You would hand government all powerful monopolies. You would create jobs with money "created" from nothing destroying the wealth and savings of everyone. While I would see jobs come from savings and investment.

You say your not Communist then turn around and say we should nationalize the health care system. You realize the Word "Nationalize" is a code word for "steal private property." Ask all the "wealthy" farmers in the Ukraine what it means to have their stuff nationalized, Oh never mind they are all dead. See here is the thing, you would allow people to steal (rationalize it anyway you want) at gun point and absolve them of the crime because they are with the government their here to help.

Where does it end. You want to take the Rocifellers shit, good Idea I would say. Then you say lets take Soro's shit I would say OK, then you say lets take Bill Gates shit I'm like umm ok, I guess. Until it degenerates to lets take that guys shit he has two houses. Eventually you run out of wealth to loot.

You think I am brainwashed for believing the KGB guy I posted as a joke, but your post only makes me wonder.


New Member
Nay, nay, I have said before I make about 35k a year and have 3 kids and a wife. I wish I was in an invester class as you say.

Why. Are you not happy in your present state. Is it all about the Benjamins?

I don't see this the same way, I don't think its as simple as all that. While what you say is true. I would say that it is due to government regulations that prevent comptition. Remember Hugo Chavez? He wanted to sell gas in the US cheap we stoped him, Why?? Because he nationalized the Oil. Ok, so are we afraid to run free enterprise ageinst state run?? I don't think so free enterprise will blow it out of the water So what is really happening, The Government is protecting its favored buisnesses. And indeed Gougeing no doubt in my mind.

So cheap gas is a bad thing, eh? Did you notice that Hugo also offered to give free heating oil to the poor in the US. Hey, free enterprize, (As I see it) has fucked the American citizen to the bone. Just what are these regulations that are making medical care so expensive, Show me.

Sorry I don't buy it. Once we start down that road we will have ever increasing prices and ever decreasing service. See the VA you say it would be fine if they only had more money ever more money. I say open up competition free the market.

The VA has been overloaded by returning fucked up vets, It is expensive to fight wars, especially when you have vets coming back with missing body parts or brain injuries. Also, older guys/gals that are vets and have "no Medical insurance" have to use the VA, It has become the only option for millions. BTW, the VA treatment I have recieved is first class. Dr. appointments are on time and you are in and out in 15-20 minutes

Good idea, but first we need to get rid of the managed trade, I say if Japan has 100% taiffs on us slap them with the same 100% we could take it better then them. And it would help level the feild for our workers. "Free trade" is not all its been cracked up to be.

I agree totally. If we made the price of foriegn goods comparable to US made goods, (Cheap foriegn labor) by some import tax (Could be used to pay off the debt) Maybe US corporations could re-tool and start bringing this nation back as a manufacturing based country.

While I agree with you that the bottem line has become the main thing for these people. It also comes down to regulations that stop competition People have a hard time starting/running buisnesses because of government regs. I say you stop companies from legislating advantages for themselves. Like that new food safty bill they got that will basicly outlaw organic farming who does that benift??

I say show me the regulations that impede corporations that exist now. Was it not the lack of regulations that has brought us to our knees? I heard a good explanation of the US economy, "It's like water circling the drain"

If you wanted to earn your way you would want to see your buisnesses do well that means the investers who payed to start the buisness and keep it running must make a profit. I would have you keep your wealth and forbid government from taking or indeed desroying your wealth.

I see the same problems that you see however, We take two diffrent approaches on how to deal with it. I would let freedom and free enterprise work, you would steal and enslave. I would protect no one from competition, You would hand government all powerful monopolies. You would create jobs with money "created" from nothing destroying the wealth and savings of everyone. While I would see jobs come from savings and investment.

You say your not Communist then turn around and say we should nationalize the health care system. You realize the Word "Nationalize" is a code word for "steal private property." Ask all the "wealthy" farmers in the Ukraine what it means to have their stuff nationalized, Oh never mind they are all dead. See here is the thing, you would allow people to steal (rationalize it anyway you want) at gun point and absolve them of the crime because they are with the government their here to help.

Where does it end. You want to take the Rocifellers shit, good Idea I would say. Then you say lets take Soro's shit I would say OK, then you say lets take Bill Gates shit I'm like umm ok, I guess. Until it degenerates to lets take that guys shit he has two houses. Eventually you run out of wealth to loot.

You think I am brainwashed for believing the KGB guy I posted as a joke, but your post only makes me wonder.

1st, I see no problem with investors making a profit, a fair profit. I do see a problem with corporate moguls making millions while destroying the company and laying off thousands/millions or shipping jobs overseas.
2nd I don't believe making fair rules for corporations enslaves anyone. In fact, it might unslave millions. The government should be held accountable for it's actions, just like the corporations. Jobs could still come from savings and investments. I just would like to see a fairplay scenario where one guy doesn't make billions while Kids in America starve. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0308/S00011.htm
3rd. I don't really buy into that scenario, nationalize is stealing. Especially when by doing so it would create much more wealth for the average guy. Having individuals with the gross income of many countries is, well, dispicable. BTW just what the hell is wrong with socialism. I say socialize the primary institutes that we need to function as a 1st world country, like Medical, Energy, water treatment facilities, infrastructure, Highways, etc. No need for some billionaire to keep all that loot when it could increase the wealth of millions.
I'm not saying take anyones shit, Make it an incentive for these billionaires to invest in jobs in this country, or penalize them into it, we need more jobs, we already have enough millionaires/billionaires
I don't propose a socialist system like the european ones that have enslaved and failed, but one that could benefit all by spreading the wealth. And I don't mean by giveaways, Jobs my friend, Jobs. Make those rich old farts start building factories to employ the millions of eager workers. You can tax them or provide other incentives, but money in the bank does only the person with the passbook any good.
BTW, this line by line arguing is way too tedious.


New Member
Hey Med ...

If you see the "investor class" as being evil, then sell your rental properties and the home you live in. After all, with your rental properties, you have taken up a larger slice of the "fairness pie" than your renters have. Is it "fair" that you "charge" rents when your tenants "pay" rents?

Like most progressives, you talk a good game Med, until we start talking about YOU giving up YOUR wealth FIRST. Hell man, I'd like to start with Barbara Streisand and Michael Moore. Let's lower their personal worth to the national average and go from there. :lol:

Fucking investor class, my ass!
