What the fuck is this?


Active Member
:leaf:This is my Ak-48 and its always one leaf on the bottom there was one before this and when it fell off this one started?? foxfarm temp 70 - 80 water/ph 6.0 - 6.5 i dont know what els to tell you?? HELP!!:leaf:DSC_0071.jpg


Well-Known Member
do you feed nutes every watering? if so dont and maybe try a flush and start with a light feeding again! Good luck kinda looks like nitrogen def!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it. The plant just doesn't need that leaf any more and is shedding it. If the rest of them start, you might worry, but other than that one leaf you look stellar!!!!

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it. The plant just doesn't need that leaf any more and is shedding it. If the rest of them start, you might worry, but other than that one leaf you look stellar!!!!
I agree, it looks fine. just one leaf. But yeah, its nitrogen. Notice the precurser nitrogen defficiency in red leaf stems... dont worry much, just make sure your ph isnt dropping


Well-Known Member
LOOL pull it off. your shit looks super healthy!
Yeah dude as your plant gets older you will start to see leafs falling off especially in flower, when they get that yellow you can just pull it the plant already sucked all the nutes of it. The leaf should come off very easy..

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
It's not even a nitrogen def. That would affect more than just the one leaf. Your plant is beautiful. It has just decided fir whatever reason it doesn't need that leaf, and is shedding it. Google abscission. Thats the process by which a plant sheds the leaf petiole at the stem. A lot of strains have a genetic disposition for red leaf stems, so barring any other obvious signs of N deficiency, I'd say that "You look MAHVELOUS"


Active Member
Yeah dude as your plant gets older you will start to see leafs falling off especially in flower, when they get that yellow you can just pull it the plant already sucked all the nutes of it. The leaf should come off very easy..
yeah i have grown before its just i freak if im not sure about somthing


Active Member
Thanks guys im gonna start posting pix of my plants every month there only one month from rooting i have two ak-48's and two train wrecks!!