What The Fuck - Homaphrodite?


Do i have a Homaphrodite?
I can clearly see the White Hairs, but also wat looks like a Pollen Sack. Is that right, or is it a female flower where the white hairs will come out from? Its only the one, per node its not a cluster, but it is hanging down a little.
Im growing several plants n dont want this one to pollenate them. I would compare it to the others, but it is the only 1 from this strain that i have.
Has any1 seen this b4?

Help Needed Please :lol:

Im trying to upload pics, thought id get the post out there whilst i waited for it to load.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
What is an hermaphrodite?

An hermaphrodite, or hermie, is a plant of one sex that develops the sexual organs of the other sex. Most commonly, a flowering female plant will develop staminate flowers, though the reverse is also true. Primarily male hermaphrodites are not as well recognized only because few growers let their males reach a point of flowering where the pistillate would be expressed.

Hermaphrodites are generally viewed with disfavor. First, they will release pollen and ruin a sinsemelia crop, pollinating themselves and all of the other females in the room. Second, the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.

Here's an image of a hermaphrodite, specifically a female plant with staminate flowers.

Hermaphrodite photograph above by Ot1.



Well-Known Member
It doesnt have to be a cluster to be a homaphrodite, but that definately looks like a male flower there. Shame, looked nice otherwise..


An hermaphrodite, or hermie plants come in different variations & in different times!(some show sex fast & some late in week 5-6 of flowering!)

Solution that feminized plants not become hermie's is NEXT;

-keep stress factor as low as it can be:!:

-put timers for hps lights:!:

-keep any pests&bugs from outside away from the indoor garden:!: bugs are eating the plants and pinching them all m.f.day:!:

-ventilate good the grow room & avoid the heat to penetrate to the plants:!:[cooltube is the best solution:!:] Keep temperature (at the night time 18C-23C:!: at LIGHT ON 23C-29C:!:)

-where to buy seeds is very important:!: buy only at good seed banks or internet shops:!:

-buy only stable strains :!::!::!: avoid the brand new strains for some time;that genetics can standardize:!:;-)

regular seeds are no guarantee that plants not become an hermaphrodite :!::!::!:


Well-Known Member
Ah, i see, i was looking over the previous posts trying to work out if Bennie boy was another user that posted something that earnt him a dunce title.


Ah, i see, i was looking over the previous posts trying to work out if Bennie boy was another user that posted something that earnt him a dunce title.
Is there any THC in hermies(female dominant)? Im sure you guys would say rip it out the ground but this my only plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they produce THC, n a decent amount, only problem is they pollinate ur crop and reduce ur yield.