What really pisses you off?


Well-Known Member
Combative, self-righteous, and inflexible minds pretending otherwise. Crappy music, most new art, popular Television. 99% of the world.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have mine memorized and never carry it... but I just so happened to have it in my wallet because I needed it for a job I had just gotten a few days before. FML!!
Shouldn't have left your wallet in the car. Bet you won't do it again.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;dHtRnOXXZ0w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHtRnOXXZ0w[/video] Everyone grinds my gears. I fucking hate you all. Except for mostly everyone on RIU. You guys are cool. Especially a couple of you on here. I really like. I mean, really really really like. As in, I rub one out looking at your pictures. You know who you are..... april.
That's probably not really her picture. Shit, "she" might be a dude. Sorry if I spoiled it for you.


Well-Known Member
1) Littering. How hard is it to walk 20ft to the garbage can at the park?! 2) Wal-Mart parking lots. All I see are stinky overweight people who don't know what a cart corral is. What pisses me off MORE is when they're too lazy to return those complimentary electric wheel chairs and they leave them next to where they parked. I mean REALLY-- you don't even have to WALK it inside! The person who fricken drove you can pick you up at the stupid door! UGH I HATE WALMART SHOPPERSSSSSS. AND. 3) People who can't fess up and admit to shit they did wrong. Thats it for the time being. Everyone seemed to have listed my road rage pet peeves already lol~
I've seen people standing next to a garbage can throw their trash on the ground. Some of the people using those carts came alone. Just getting to the cart was all they could manage. Don't hate on the handicapped.


Well-Known Member
My dog. He barks frantically at ravens flying overhead like they are about to drop missiles on us - and terrorizes our cat and goats. But the deer chomping away on our plants in the garden, or the mouse running right past his face in the kitchen - they don't get a second glance. By the way, anyone need a dog?
Not that dog.


Well-Known Member
Ignorance pisses you off? Ignorance is just being uninformed but stupidity.................well that's a different matter. Ignorance is both excusable and understandable but NOT stupidity.
Ignorance can be educated, but you can't fix stupid. Stupid is to be pitied, not hated. Do blind people piss you off?


Well-Known Member
When my friend takes you to the side and tells you that 'no-one can fuck with this girl in this town' (de puta madre) then you f***ing take note.

Im even more pissed off today.

No tocas mis huevos cabron!!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
When my friend takes you to the side and tells you that 'no-one can fuck with this girl in this town' (de puta madre) then you f***ing take note.

Im even more pissed off today.

No tocas mis huevos cabron!!!
Hope things get better for you! Watch out for those capullos.


Well-Known Member
Mopeds/scooters on the highways. If you can't do the speed limit stay the fuck off that road!


Well-Known Member
I know what pisses me off, when I can't find the restraint and let myself be taken down by the moronic.


Well-Known Member
people that just sit there not saying any thing, after asking them a question, pisses me off, 16 c a kilowatt pisses me off, that's insane , why 16 c. when most of the usa is 10c ??? bull shit, 2000k electric bill every month, pisses me off, spyder mits piss me off . cheap patients piss me off, want free stuff every month, fuck you ! cheap patients, pay my electric bill then give me free stuff , drivers that cut you off and drive slow, ignorant fast food workers, mall security , following me around, when I make 20 times the money the doo,


Well-Known Member
knowing that is hard to search for a job and harder to keep it, talkative ppl, losin a light, blunt, etc movies w tanning fakum and meagon cox.