What is your biggest pet peeveQ


Well-Known Member
People who try and cut in line at the store when there's like 30 people in it and then try and act like they didn't do it.

People who try and bum ports off me everytime I see them.

People who come banging on my window at the gas station begging for change.

And when people sit on my front steps lol,I dont care if its the nextdoor neighbors stting there but when some random dickheads think its cool to sit on my shit I snap.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My pet peeve is people who let their pets LICK THEIR MOUTHS. They have to know that these animals lick their own asses. Why would anyone allow this?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
people who get on your ass in the fast lane but you yourself cant go anyfaster cuz the mother fucker infront of you is doing the limit and then you make a right turn and the dude behind you gives you the finger!!!! i usualy take high persute..


Well-Known Member
People who try to be PC (political correct) all the time.
All a bunch of @^$% hypocrites:fire:
2 faced motherfkers:leaf:


Active Member
People who smack gum and chew with their mouths open. I told a girl once, " are you trying to be a fucking cow because you sure sound and look like one!" I cant help it, makes my blood boil.

People who say, " I could care less" it's "I COULDN'T care less."


Unreliable people. Example: ill be there in an hour. 3 hours later, no call person. If I say we are leaving at ten, and you are not ready and dont call me, ill leave you and not feel bad. I know its a dick move but whatever.l


Ursus marijanus
OK I'll let you in on a pet peeve.
When I've just crafted a devastating riposte on an absolute trainwreck of a thread, hit "Post" and get "Invalid thread specified" because the thread was disappeared.
Don't disappear threads. Ban the troublemakers. Leave the trouble as an example, I suggest. cn


Active Member
OK I'll let you in on a pet peeve.
When I've just crafted a devastating riposte on an absolute trainwreck of a thread, hit "Post" and get "Invalid thread specified" because the thread was disappeared.
Don't disappear threads. Ban the troublemakers. Leave the trouble as an example, I suggest. cn
I agree, don't pull a good thread, pull the trouble maker.


Pickle Queen
Lazy people who can't take 2 seconds to google a word, we all make spelling mistakes but please don't be lazy when u spell, would u half pronounce a word when talking face to face??? lol

thump easy

Well-Known Member
actualy no people think im white lolz i just cant type or spell... sorry..

on another note i hate going down on a girl and she cant return the favor i say LATEZ nevor more....


Well-Known Member
I hate laying in bed watching TV and I wanna change the show and I can't find the remote control.Yea I'm get pretty lazy.


Well-Known Member
actualy no people think im white lolz i just cant type or spell... sorry..

on another note i hate going down on a girl and she cant return the favor i say LATEZ nevor more....
Never get down on one knee for a woman that wont get down on two for you.