What is wrong with this country?


Well-Known Member
It is not all about money...Cancer rates ..hurricanes/tornadoes ..global warming..pesticides in all the food..hormones/steroids...disease and overpopulation ...clean water getting continually contaminated ...the gulf spill and all the oil spills...I could on for an hour


Well-Known Member
Go look at national debt verse GDP
This isnt the worst it has been

You really have to consider WWII and the cold war that followed when viewing this. That said, the Obama spike is only comparable to what this country faced during WWII. Care to justify this spike?

Furthermore, considering Obama's likeness to Carter, you may want to consider what this chart may look like following his tenure. At least we may have a reason to finally look back at Carter fondly now ;-)


Well-Known Member
It's the blacks, no
Its the teachers, no
It's the mexicans, no wait
It's the gays,
It's the damn lawyers
It's the democrats
No, it's the baby killing women,
It's the liberals
It's the Democrats
I's Obama,
It's the tree huggers,
I's the Muslims
The athiests
The scientists
The Main stream media,
Its Unions
The gun grabbers
Entertainment media
Those damn socialists
The feminists
The disabled
The poor, that's it, it's the poor.

Thank God for the rich, white gun owners, without them, where would this country be?

Let's take our country back.

I think it's much simpler than that, Canndo.

It's the Texans! :lol:



Well-Known Member
Reported as racist... way to single out whitey. Chinese and Indian people don't even get a mention...2 billion of them combined.

(Not actually reported, that'd be a bit of a "gay" thing to do)
What do you expect? These guys as debaters make better mental masturbaters.


Well-Known Member
I don't like using children as a reason for justification. It seems cheap. It's like fear mongering, "your safety and your children's safety is at risk" "Gives away all freedom for "safety""
For the quality of our education and the safety of our children we should pay our teachers more. Just raise real estate taxes.


Well-Known Member
You really have to consider WWII and the cold war that followed when viewing this. That said, the Obama spike is only comparable to what this country faced during WWII. Care to justify this spike?

Furthermore, considering Obama's likeness to Carter, you may want to consider what this chart may look like following his tenure. At least we may have a reason to finally look back at Carter fondly now ;-)
2 expensive wars?


Well-Known Member
Facts are lies created by people who want the truth to be lies.
Who are these people? What people? Who?
Do you have a list?

Can you also give a few examples of fact which are actually lies by people on that list of people you believe want the truth to be lies?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure bombing Libya and the constant drone attacks across the Middle East are expensive too.

Try blame Bush for them cos it's all Your Messiah bro.
Are you kidding me? There is a reason I had not mentioned Vietnam or any other of those conflicts. The change you witness following the Reagan/Bush era clearly depicts taking on and winning the cold war. What's up with the dividend of such handed to Clinton?

Stop reading political talking points and think for yourself ...


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me? There is a reason I had not mentioned Vietnam or any other of those conflicts. The change you witness following the Reagan/Bush era clearly depicts taking on and winning the cold war. What's up with the dividend of such handed to Clinton?

Stop reading political talking points and think for yourself ...
Chesus implied that the two wars are the reason for the debt, albeit its not Obamas fault but Bush's. However Obama has had 4 years of constant drone strikes and I gave Libya as an example of another conflict Obama lead.

But you seem to not really know what's going on.

The windows need licking, your time would be better spent at that.


Well-Known Member
Chesus implied that the two wars are the reason for the debt, albeit its not Obamas fault but Bush's. However Obama has had 4 years of constant drone strikes and I gave Libya as an example of another conflict Obama lead.

But you seem to not really know what's going on.

The windows need licking, your time would be better spent at that.
Listen homie give up on the blame Bush BS, because that is exactly what it is. Remember 911?!?

As for the Libya conflict Obama put us on the hook for ... Give me one US interest that satisfied? We don't even get oil from there. France and the UK do ... Again why are we there and now have blood on our hands today? Consider that Bush blaming if you chose to reply.

Put that Kool Aid down and become part of the solution not the problem!


Well-Known Member
Listen homie give up on the blame Bush BS, because that is exactly what it is. Remember 911?!?

As for the Libya conflict Obama put us on the hook for ... Give me one US interest that satisfied? We don't even get oil from there. France and the UK do ... Again why are we there and now have blood on our hands today? Consider that Bush blaming if you chose to reply.

Put that Kool Aid down and become part of the solution not the problem!
Are you on fucking stupid pills or something? I implied its NOT all Bush's fault and that Obama has done much of the same. I said this because Chesus wants Obama "inside him" and blames Bush on everything.

Honestly, back to the windows bro, you missed a spot.