What is wrong in the UK?


Well-Known Member
I don't fucking understand this talking point at all. Safe for 8 years??? Really? You completely forgot about 9/11 you piece of shit motherfucker. We said never forget. And here you are, completely brushing off September 11th like it never happened so you can pretend Bush kept us safe. 4,000 Americans dead. Bush ignored CIA briefings and 9/11 happened on his watch. Bush led our country into a pointless war, first under the false pretense of weapons of mass destruction, then he tried to say Saddam was connected to Al Quaeda. 5k+ of our troops killed, and 30k+ maimed and wounded over a unjustified war is not safe. Obama has done more to support counter- terrorism than Bush ever had. Of course you wouldn't know that because you listen to Fox news and other right wing propaganda outlets.
I don't think I called any body names like piece of shit motherfucker so you dick sucking motherfucker son of a bitch asshole sucking faggot. It is motherfuckers like you that make people not want to post on RIU. If you can't post with out calling every names you no life why don't you just blow you stupid brains out no body cares and the world would be better off.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Don't want my grandson to think he can beat the shit out of his wife and then rape her because she had a headache(Sharia law) and it don't make sense for governments to support illegals. Maybe we should all get a giant bong and solve the worlds problems LMAO
Have a nice day
let your grandson think what he wants hopefully not your thoughts