What is wrong in the UK?


Well-Known Member
What is wrong in the UK they don't want to pay more for tution so they can bring the muslim teaching to the schools. I thought they liked the muslims they let them trash there military. Well I am sure that peaceful demostration did not cost more than a few million dollars yesterday. A couple of weeks of this shit and they will cost the government enough to send every one of the stupid bastards to school for life. Burn the whole country down. They remind me of California schools not wanting to save the unions over here.:clap:


Active Member
In the USA the Muslim (Sand Nigger's) community are going to be the minority in about 10 years. The dirty fucking scumbags just have a bunch of kids and so on and so on. Now look, we have a "black" WRONG! Sand Nigger President that can't do shit right. If the black people in the states only knew what they voted for before they all decided to vote for once in there life's because they though a "black" President was what's up! I can't wait till that fucking retard is out of office, and we get a republican back in office.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
What is wrong in the UK they don't want to pay more for tution so they can bring the muslim teaching to the schools. I thought they liked the muslims they let them trash there military. Well I am sure that peaceful demostration did not cost more than a few million dollars yesterday. A couple of weeks of this shit and they will cost the government enough to send every one of the stupid bastards to school for life. Burn the whole country down. They remind me of California schools not wanting to save the unions over here.:clap:
what the fuck are you talkin bout? your first sentence makes no sense? in fact not much of what you said makes sense. they dont want to pay more tuituion fees so they can bring in muslim teachers??!?! what do you mean?


Well-Known Member
Remember a king by the name of...fuck I forgot.
I can tell you this though, That kings policy was so queer all the manly men left and the pussies stayed.

j/k my dad told my that joke..


Well-Known Member
what the fuck are you talkin bout? your first sentence makes no sense? in fact not much of what you said makes sense. they dont want to pay more tuituion fees so they can bring in muslim teachers??!?! what do you mean?
All I hear is that the UK were going to start teaching Sharia law in schools and then I hear they want to raise the tuition $14,500 for the ones going to school. Sounds to me like the government wants more muslims in school. The bastards hear are doing the same thing for the Mexicans every body in school pay more so they can send the Mexicans to school free. Now that is what the fuck I am talking about

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol nothng wrong with teaching about different religions, shit they taught me bout catholicism which is just as fucked up imo. they're putting the price of the tuition up because they dont have enough funds. they can charge 6k or upto 9k if they take steps to attract poorer students with outreach programmes, summer schools, and targeted scholarships.

fact of the matter is our immigration system is crap, its not capped meaning we have an influx thast isnt putting into the system or hasnt yet shall we say and are draining the resources from the get go.


Well-Known Member
In the USA the Muslim (Sand Nigger's) community are going to be the minority in about 10 years. The dirty fucking scumbags just have a bunch of kids and so on and so on. Now look, we have a "black" WRONG! Sand Nigger President that can't do shit right. If the black people in the states only knew what they voted for before they all decided to vote for once in there life's because they though a "black" President was what's up! I can't wait till that fucking retard is out of office, and we get a republican back in office.
To make a long story short this is a worldwide probem^^^Dumbfucks are universal.


Well-Known Member
lol nothng wrong with teaching about different religions, shit they taught me bout catholicism which is just as fucked up imo. they're putting the price of the tuition up because they dont have enough funds. they can charge 6k or upto 9k if they take steps to attract poorer students with outreach programmes, summer schools, and targeted scholarships.

fact of the matter is our immigration system is crap, its not capped meaning we have an influx thast isnt putting into the system or hasnt yet shall we say and are draining the resources from the get go.
Don't want my grandson to think he can beat the shit out of his wife and then rape her because she had a headache(Sharia law) and it don't make sense for governments to support illegals. Maybe we should all get a giant bong and solve the worlds problems LMAO
Have a nice day

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
In the USA the Muslim (Sand Nigger's) community are going to be the minority in about 10 years. The dirty fucking scumbags just have a bunch of kids and so on and so on. Now look, we have a "black" WRONG! Sand Nigger President that can't do shit right. If the black people in the states only knew what they voted for before they all decided to vote for once in there life's because they though a "black" President was what's up! I can't wait till that fucking retard is out of office, and we get a republican back in office.
I'm sure more racism solves all our problems. :dunce:

Are you forgetting it was a white republican that invaded the wrong country and broke the economy?


Well-Known Member
Really? How was I more safe then than I was now?
Do you think Bush would let the muslims build a mosque at ground zero, do you think Bush would let marxist,socialist,comunist in the white house???? Obozo dose
Do you think Bush would have run all around the world telling every body America is a muslim nation and we suck?????? Obozo dose
Do you think Bush has set a trillion +++++ dollar defict forever????? Obozo dose
and it goes on and on and on. So if you think you are safer good for you. Have you learned to speak chinese, better make that muslim if obozo stays in office.
I hope you don't live near the border obozo wants to pull the NG out so the Mexicans can come in. The country needs to pay for them to go to college or get in the army open your wallet. I am sure you will take a few dozen in and support them????? And I do have one point to make here BUSH HAS BEEN OUT OF OFFICE 2 YEARS time you got a picture of obozo

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Do you think Bush would let the muslims build a mosque at ground zero, do you think Bush would let marxist,socialist,comunist in the white house????
What does that have to do with public safety?

Do you think Bush has set a trillion +++++ dollar defict forever?????
Actually he did. He took a budget that was balanced under a democratic president and ran up trillions in debt. So yes.

I hope you don't live near the border obozo wants to pull the NG out so the Mexicans can come in.
While I don't share your fears of humans with a darker complexion, it should be noted that Bush did nothing to secure the boarder and his policies allowed even more immigration. Obama put troops on the boarder which was more than any republican in history has done to combat illegal immigration.

No president has done more to secure the boarder with Mexico than Obama. Sure, his efforts don't go far enough, but no president before him has ever done anything to secure the boarder.

Democrats have a much better record on illegal immigration than republicans. It was conservative hero Reagan who gave illegals amnesty. It was Bush who encouraged a guest worker program which allows immigrants to come here legally, but then doesn't keep track of them.

Republicans talk like they are against illegal immigrants to secure the ignorant racist idiot vote (very successfully as you have just demonstrated). How ever since the ultra-wealthy find illegal immigration more profitable because it decreased the price of labor, no republican president ever fights illegal immigration. In talk republican presidents oppose illegal immigrants, in reality their actions encourage it.

You have still yet to show me any reason for me to believe public safety is a bigger concern with Obama as president as apposed to Bush.


Active Member
All im saying is we put not a black dude in office, but a sand nigger who was brought up to be black. This is an article I found below. Im not to fond about having this man the President because he's not American. I feel the American people let us down because they want this to be an election we never forget and it's FUCKING STUPID!

his mother was an atheist and both his father and stepfather (Lolo Soreto) were Muslim.

The Church that Obama attended taught Black Liberation Theology. It may have claimed to be a Christian Church but if you look at their list of values, this is what you will find

Commitment to God
Commitment to the Black Community.
Commitment to the Black Family
Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
Adherence to the Black Work Ethic
Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness.
Pledge to Make the Fruits of All Developing and Acquired Skills Available to the Black Community.
Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System
Personal Commitment to Embracement of the Black Value System. To measure the worth and validity of all activity in terms of positive contributions to the general welfare of the Black Community and the Advancement of Black People towards freedom.

Aside from the Commitment to God every other value is based solely based on race.

I think that I would prefer that Obama be a Muslim but then if he were he would be against abortions and gay marriage as well as a number of other moral values.

My answer is that he is both a Muslim and Christian impostor.


Active Member
LMAOLMAOLMAO you were safe for 8 years do you think bozo gives a shit about you or this country??????? LMAOLMAOLMAO
I don't fucking understand this talking point at all. Safe for 8 years??? Really? You completely forgot about 9/11 you piece of shit motherfucker. We said never forget. And here you are, completely brushing off September 11th like it never happened so you can pretend Bush kept us safe. 4,000 Americans dead. Bush ignored CIA briefings and 9/11 happened on his watch. Bush led our country into a pointless war, first under the false pretense of weapons of mass destruction, then he tried to say Saddam was connected to Al Quaeda. 5k+ of our troops killed, and 30k+ maimed and wounded over a unjustified war is not safe. Obama has done more to support counter- terrorism than Bush ever had. Of course you wouldn't know that because you listen to Fox news and other right wing propaganda outlets.