what is this?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
do a google search for leaf miners and it will show pics. never had them before so never had to combat them.

many different ways to hit the spider mites and they are very hard to get rid of. you need to inspect under the leaves for the mites and the eggs. i have a 30x power jewlers loupe to zoom in on them. i only had them once and i used doctor doom foggers and spray.

you may not have mites so just do a good inspection and keep close eye for them.


Well-Known Member
Watch who's advice you take on this site. Coke and smoke gave you correct and good advice. Detroit chaos - "looks like water dried on the leaves"? Cmon dude, if you don't know, keep your mouth shut please. There is alot of good information to be found on RIU but there is just as much, if not more, misinformation as well.

Also look into using neem oil for pests, it has worked very well for me in the past and is 100% safe to use. Good Luck!


New Member
I don't think the top pic has mites the white spots seem a bit big for mites. leaf miners are possible. dont rule out mites though they are hard to spot.be sure to check on the underside of the leaves. it may help to use a couple different sprays if you don't get them all with one use the other a few days later. every three days they have a hatch and can get out of hand real fast.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
insecticidal soap will work for alot of pests but you need to read the bottle and see if it lists the pest you want to get rid of.

did you google leaf miners and do a little reading? i havnt seen very many threads about leaf miners, so it doesnt seem like a common problem for medical growers, but more of a problem for outdoor vegetable gardens.