What IF?!


Well-Known Member
First time grower here. I have 3 plants in my AG but they all sprouted on different times. One sprouted the 12th the other 16th and the other the 20th! How is the nute situation going to work? Am I going to lose the younger plant? Should I transplant it into soil?


Active Member
well youll need to start feeding soon. the small one will certainly not yield as much.

ive had that problem before and still ended up harvesting all of them. i think the two smaller ones were something like 7 days behind. i just gave them light doses of nutes for awhile.

you can do it, but it will be a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Junk: Motorboater had a good point but more importantly what are you going to feed them? You have one weak child and what sounds like two that are thriving. It might be a rough start but you should be able to use something like the seedling and cutting formula from Technaflora's "Recipe for success," and that shlould work with all three. I'm sure there are other good nutes but I'd stay away from A/G's. What ever you do it's going to have to be pretty soon or you chance to lose the two early starters on account of the slow one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I started with low amount. They are looking great so far. I posted pics on the plant health section. 2 days of nutes so far and its looking good