what does dominant mean?


Well-Known Member
googled it..nothing

what does the dominant part mean in sativa dominant?

indica dominant?


Well-Known Member
im in my 2nd year college. Sorry my friend I didn't think people needed such in-depth descriptions of such simple questions. Let me rephrase it, maybe you know the answer and you're just not understanding me.

If someone says their plant is an indica dominant. what are they saying when they are adding the word "dominant" to the end of the type of plant that they are speaking of?

Talk about retarded? Gangsta growers? suck me faggot.


Active Member
wackymack is obviously not very helpful,dominant indica or dominant sativa means that the plant exhibits mostly indica traits or mostly sativa traits i.e.fat leaves (indica) narrow leaves(sativa)or short or tall compact buds or long loose buds e.t.c. hope that helped. oh,Wackymack,dont be a dick,be informative!


Well-Known Member
im in my 2nd year college. Sorry my friend I didn't think people needed such in-depth descriptions of such simple questions. Let me rephrase it, maybe you know the answer and you're just not understanding me.

If someone says their plant is an indica dominant. what are they saying when they are adding the word "dominant" to the end of the type of plant that they are speaking of?

Talk about retarded? Gangsta growers? suck me faggot.

whoa there sparky,are your panties in a bundlle?

go smoke some good sensimillia mix indi sativa with a more dominant indica in the mix to relax

chill, u shouldve learned about that word in highschool,did your school have good teachers?

im just messing with you,the question u ask can be answered by searchin the forums bc ur q gets ask frequenly and try do some readin before posting,that way u are sure that your q is or isnt answered


Well-Known Member
dominant means your wife tells you what to do. she is dominant and bosses you around and like a pussy you take it


Well-Known Member
"googled it..nothing"

means i googled it, and found nothing..

i couldnt find anything in direct response to my question..without probably having to spend 10-15 minutes finding the answer..but seeing as you responded to my post in 3 minutes, im guessing this would be the quicker place to find the answer, without having to read it from a series of textbook descriptions. so maybe save yourself a couple keystrokes, tell me the answer to my so complex question quickly so you don't have to follow up when you get flamed for being a goof, thx


Well-Known Member
no phinx thats "domination", and your wife is a "dominatrix"...jesus man how do people keep confusing the RIU forum, with the Rough Intercourse Unmentionables forum...


Well-Known Member
"googled it..nothing"

means i googled it, and found nothing..

i couldnt find anything in direct response to my question..without probably having to spend 10-15 minutes finding the answer..but seeing as you responded to my post in 3 minutes, im guessing this would be the quicker place to find the answer, without having to read it from a series of textbook descriptions. so maybe save yourself a couple keystrokes, tell me the answer to my so complex question quickly so you don't have to follow up when you get flamed for being a goof, thx
Dominant. It will mean that it is dominated by either sativa plant qualities or indica qualities.
This means that it was a cross breed between indica and sativa at one time. And I'm sure you know all the differences between the overall appearance of the plant and the high differences with sativa and indica, right?


stays relevant.
A sativa dominant hybrid = a plant that will show more sativa phenotypes than indica.

An indica dominant hybrid = a plant that will show more indica phenotypes than sativa.

etc. etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Yip this threat has turned retarded all right lol.

Just look into genetics, read a book on it, it'll explain it somewhere along the way hahaha


Well-Known Member
I Googled "Dominant" and came up with 49 million hits...theres definitely something there, certainly not Nothing.