What do you think?

Im worrying a little bit. Stressin a little bit. Few months back I got caught with possession and paraphernalia not in my home state tho. Im currently growing and take pics here and there..I really want to start a grow journal but fear that it could somehow get me caught due to what happened a few months back. What do you think? I read that you can turn off cellular data (which I did) to minimize detection through iPhone as thats my way of takin pics..What do you think?


Well-Known Member
You growing pounds for production? If not the cost of tracking you down through data location technology is far greater than any state is willing to spend just to spend hundreds more on clerks and judges to stick you with a fine, in other words........chill


Well-Known Member
Previously, on another canna-chat room I was unfortunately a participant in a long (3 weeks) heated troll debate with a guy claiming that he knew for a fact that the DEA was going house to house on a nationwide cannabis eradication project with some kind of new FLIR technology that can distinguish heat signature from cannabis plants specifically. So I asked him about multi-unit high rise apartment buildings...he says this equipment is hand held portable and agents would be going door to door. Granted he did say the project was set for a 25 year completion schedule. But he says the DEA feels that the arrests made and cannabis destroyed will be well worth the cost and man hours. He knows about this because his brother has a friend that has a cousin that is married to a guy whose college room-mate was now a DEA agent (I exaggerate but you get the idea)...he truly believed this was fact...not just some BS he made up to start shit on the web. That guy was a FUCKING IDIOT and hopefully is now under psychiatric care...don't be like him.


Well-Known Member
That FLIR sheet is from the 80's when the ghetto bird is hovering over your house.

Now they just use an RFI meter to look for the signature of the ballast and correlate power records to see exactly when the set up turns on and off by the spike in the power. They are using AM radios as well to find the ops by the EMI it will pick up as they near the grow op. See the equipment used is what is getting you picked off.

They have figured this out pretty much and can find all electronic ballast ops, not sure if magneto's fall in here. LED's and non-EMI/RFI equipment will require different methods.

Wanna try and see. make one of your cable TV connections loose put a ballast within 20 feet of it and watch outside over the next 2 weeks and see if a cable tech doesn't pop up talking about "Closed system ingress" or just puts a trap on your line and now PPV VOD etc won't work cause you are a one-way connection now because of the trap.

"While the FCC may not have jurisdiction in the enforcement of drug laws, an interference complaint to the FCC may result in an investigation. Grow lights can also produce a distinctive noise signature that may result in an unwelcome calling card, depending on the type of plants involved. Although marijuana may not be illegal under some state laws, it is still illegal under federal law. Should a field investigation uncover a grow light operation involving marijuana, we simply don't know what inter-agency agreements may exist between FCC and other law enforcement bodies. Many such growers might wish to cease operation of the offending device rather than risk a federal investigation of any kind.

Is It A Grow Light?

Grow lights tend to exhibit several unique and identifiable characteristics. So far, they typically produce a broadband noise, particularly across the 40m band. It propagates over much greater distances than one might expect from devices that meet the applicable FCC limits. Other clues include:

  • Generally grow lights are set by a timer for 12 hours on and 12 hours off but this can vary.
  • Once you have established the turn on time, listen to the noise as the lamp turns on. It’s generally noisier with less of a flat spectrum. This generally lasts about 5 minutes until the lamp is warm.
  • The polarization is predominately vertical even though the lamp line may be horizontal.
  • In the case of marijuana, the grow time is typically 6 to 8 weeks. At this time, the lights may be shut off for a few days while the plants are harvested and new ones made ready. "

Personal experience with the EMI squad


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that growz as well. He, myself, and God are the only people that know what I have in the tent. I am sure I am 99.99% safe as long as things stay that way. That is why I am a member of RIU...I think a lot of us are here because we HAVE to tell someone. We HAVE to show our gurlz to others who understand how great it is to cultivate medicine! amen.jpg