what do you think about these pots? ((PIC))


Active Member
I went to the hydro store the other day to get the soils and stuff all of you have so helpfully recommended.

The guy at the store was cool, told him I was doing outdoor. he reommended the 3 gallon pots with these inserts.

Should I use them?



Well-Known Member
AHHH Hell no! Those are for hydro/indoor only. Take the insert out and they will work. Out door ya want to go a little bigger of a pot. You are goin to have to water often.


Well-Known Member
Return them to the store. Buy some 3 to 5 gallon bags for .35 cents each. Tell him he was ripping ya off.


Active Member
They'll be on my decks, I have sun on one side till 2 pm and sun on the other till sunset...
I got the buckets for easy moving, and I don't want them to get real huge...point blank people will see them, but I'll have other stuff growing as well so the decks will be full.
If I ever buy a house those girls will be in the ground. Thanks for the advice, unfortunately this whole planet is a rip off, and another reason to puff.