What Do you Tell the Kids ?????????????


Active Member
So here is the thing. My wife and I have recently built a Stealth Grow Cabinet and have it in out bed room. Our children are 12, 13 and 15. They respect pour bedroom as something that is not theirs and do not come into our bedroom often if at all.....
Here is the question.... What do you tell them if they see this "new" piece of furniture in our bedroom ( an armoire that has a LOCK on the front of it and has a funny silver hose running from it to the crawl space under our house ) and want to know what it is?????
I would LOVE to hear what you would say if you were in that position so please let me know ANY idea's you may have.
My wife's idea is " what is in there will traumatize you and you can't afford the therapy"
Mine is " do not ask questions about what is in there or I may go to jail" !!

What ya'll gotta say ???


Well-Known Member
The last thing to say would reference the term "jail" or anything bad / traumatic thing related to it. In a kids eyes, that's just leaves them wanting to find out what actually is in there by snooping. Don't mention anything of it. If they notice it, just shrub it off as some climate control thing for the room and change the topic.

Oh and the most important thing, get a lock for the door, or closet with a lock on that door.

Good luck, hope they don't snoop, and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
at that age they are not dumb, if they see something locked they will want to know whats inside, I'd say get a lock on the door to your room so the cant see it in the first place... alot of kids smoke bud by 13 so they might alredy know what it smells like


Well-Known Member
You only have one option unless your kids are REALLY dumb...the truth.

Do they know you smoke...or more correctly, if you do not discuss this...do you know they know?

IME (15 and 20 year old), 1. They know whether you have told them or not, or at least suspect. and 2. They will respect you more for being honest and will (start) tell(ing) you the truth.

This is just my opinion of course. When I told my daughter (now 15, AP/honor student and leader) I compared my behavior to some family member who drinks...this and the fact that Dad is a nicer guy when he smokes, made it obvious that Cannabis was just good natural medicine and the fact that people go to jail for it while uncle whatshisname is obviously doing bad, is just plain wrong.

Unless they don't like you...then remind them that it is your right as a parent to abort them up until the 2nd semester of their senior year! ;)



Well-Known Member
I WOULD NOT TELL YOUR KIDS YOUR GROWING!!! They could mess you up in the long run no matter how much you prep em they still don't know when to say when. Kids run there mouths POINT BLANK! Take stickythumb's advice just go to lowes or walmart and replace the lock on your door. BUT PLSSSS don't be like my dad&stepmom and distance yourself from your kids if you have to just stay out of your room during the day!!


Active Member
Thanks Everyone !! Our 15 year old knows we smoke and I know he does also. Our youngest two do not know and I think they would be upset. You know the school system today, they are educated that weed is in the same arena as heroin, crack and meth (as fucked up as that may be it's the truth).
Our cabinet is indeed locked and I think I will take sticky's advice and put a lock on the bedroom door. Any other advice is equally welcome. Thanks Again


Well-Known Member
Still you dont want to give your kids the temptation of knowing that info. Sometimes kids just blurt out things and dont mean to and next thing you know its the big news. Its just better to keep them in the dark about it, is there really a need for them to know if the only way they would find out is to snoop?. Key lock on the bedroom door might be suspicious but your the parents you can do whatever you want (We all had those experiences with our parents doing things that just made no sense at all).


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much the lock on the door will help, example,,for me..when I noticed the door was locked, got my curiosity going, i needed to find out what I wasn't suppose to get into. I took a butter knife and slide the lock (i was 12) there was porn movies left out and an army footlocker full of them. Next time the door was open and the footlocker was locked, so i got the screwdriver out and removed the screws on the hinge to the foot locker. Finally, my dad said look i know you have been in my room. I won't beat your ass, just show me how you did it. He beat my ass anyways..lol..point is,, that lock probably won't stop anyone if they are clever.


Well-Known Member
your 15 year old needs to STOP smoking pot.

you need to be honest with your children from day one. if you can't even trust your own parents, who can you trust. once you break trust with your child they will then lie to YOU. not a good thing.

as a parent it is your job to educate your children on the TRUE dangers of drugs. if you leave it up to the schools you're kids will end up hating you.

honesty works. ;)

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
I think it has everything to do with your relationship with your kids. I am very open with my kids about everything. I feel that how can I expect them to be honest with me about what is going on in their life when they know I am being deceitful with them. Don't ever under estimate the intelligence of your kids, they have spidey sense for bullshit and I guarantee they already know something is up they may not know exactly what it is but they know it is something. If you are worried that your kids can't handle it or they would crack if the pressure was put on them to rat you out, you probably shouldn't be growing unless you can guarentee that they will have no exposure to it what so ever and it doesn't sound like the current situation can ensure that. You need to give your kids the same respect you expect. I have two boys 10 and 13 and I have been very open with them their whole life and they tell me EVERYTHING and I know they wouldn't let the screws get put to me. Fortunately for me now I am now in a legal med state but they still never talk about what I do to anyone. I did quit growing for a few years because I didn't feel it was fair for me to put that kind of pressure on them to keep that kind of secret at a younger age. My kids know that I use it as medicine and I explained to them that not everything that is taught to them in school is the truth. I have also had many talks to them explaining that their is a time and a place in their life where I would almost expect them to experiment with cannabis but until they are at a point in their life when they are through with school and they are in a comfortable time in their life, employment and otherwise they aren't to fuck with it, I told them hell when it is time I will do it with them, the worse thing you can do in the eyes of your children is be a hypocrite. They will never trust you and they will never respect you. I explained to them I never smoked it until I was out of school and that is the dead honest truth.


King Tut
My belief is that honesty is the only way to go. If you lie to your kids, how can they trust you in the future. Not saying you have to lay out the whole story, but be honest. If you avoid it, it will become an issue. If you lie and they find out, you're screwed. My 2 cents.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
be the head of the house and say stay the hell out of my room there is nothing in there that concerns you end of discussion , it is your house right

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
be the head of the house and say stay the hell out of my room there is nothing in there that concerns you end of discussion , it is your house right
Yeah that's gonna build a lasting mutual respect between them and their children....all that is going to do is ENSURE that they are going to break into the room and find out. How many kids do you have?


Well-Known Member
your 15 year old needs to STOP smoking pot.

you need to be honest with your children from day one. if you can't even trust your own parents, who can you trust. once you break trust with your child they will then lie to YOU. not a good thing.

as a parent it is your job to educate your children on the TRUE dangers of drugs. if you leave it up to the schools you're kids will end up hating you.

honesty works. ;)
I think it has everything to do with your relationship with your kids. I am very open with my kids about everything. I feel that how can I expect them to be honest with me about what is going on in their life when they know I am being deceitful with them. Don't ever under estimate the intelligence of your kids, they have spidey sense for bullshit and I guarantee they already know something is up they may not know exactly what it is but they know it is something. If you are worried that your kids can't handle it or they would crack if the pressure was put on them to rat you out, you probably shouldn't be growing unless you can guarentee that they will have no exposure to it what so ever and it doesn't sound like the current situation can ensure that. You need to give your kids the same respect you expect. I have two boys 10 and 13 and I have been very open with them their whole life and they tell me EVERYTHING and I know they wouldn't let the screws get put to me. Fortunately for me now I am now in a legal med state but they still never talk about what I do to anyone. I did quit growing for a few years because I didn't feel it was fair for me to put that kind of pressure on them to keep that kind of secret at a younger age. My kids know that I use it as medicine and I explained to them that not everything that is taught to them in school is the truth. I have also had many talks to them explaining that their is a time and a place in their life where I would almost expect them to experiment with cannabis but until they are at a point in their life when they are through with school and they are in a comfortable time in their life, employment and otherwise they aren't to fuck with it, I told them hell when it is time I will do it with them, the worse thing you can do in the eyes of your children is be a hypocrite. They will never trust you and they will never respect you. I explained to them I never smoked it until I was out of school and that is the dead honest truth.
My belief is that honesty is the only way to go. If you lie to your kids, how can they trust you in the future. Not saying you have to lay out the whole story, but be honest. If you avoid it, it will become an issue. If you lie and they find out, you're screwed. My 2 cents.
100% on all^^^

Here is the legal problem with not being honest...forget for a minute that you are always telling them not to lie to YOU...IF you hide it, it is a big secret...they will probably find out (again unless they are REAL slow...plus your 15year old not only knows, but smokes...the other two know!) So don't have the talk about how Cannabis is nothing like the other drugs that are grouped with it and that alcohol and prescription drugs can be just as bad as the hard street drugs...but they already know this, but can not solidify the thought from all angles...but what they won't get is what the consequences could be...the permanency and how much life could change for the worse. I really feel this is important ESPECIALLY with a 10 year old.

And yeah the 15 year old should quit...don't want to end up like me! But it is hard to put the genie back in the bong;)

Honesty is pretty much always the best answer, though not always the easiest or most comfortable.
