What do you do?


Well-Known Member
I work at a philly cheese steak shop
I am a full-time college student
and I spend all the time i can with my girlfriend who I love.

What do you all do? :bigjoint:


bud bootlegger
im currently unemployed, so i sit around all day dreaming of eating some pats steaks, trolling the internet, learning about topics that interest me, keep up on my garden pretty much..


Well-Known Member
im currently unemployed, so i sit around all day dreaming of eating some pats steaks, trolling the internet, learning about topics that interest me, keep up on my garden pretty much..

DiTT0!:bigjoint: dont forget the occasional dispensary trip.


Well-Known Member
I work at a philly cheese steak shop
I am a full-time college student
and I spend all the time i can with my girlfriend who I love.

What do you all do? :bigjoint:
im unemployed and slowly going broke and if I cant sell my broke ass car soon I'll be getting evicted and that wont be to good.Its amazing I haven't been evicted already.
Where are you at in Philly?


Well-Known Member
im not in philly, we just advertise as such. our customers know its not a true philly cheese but theyre great! im gonna run that place soon. I relate to the customers more than the current weird cook i work alongside. Im going to be cooking tomorrow :-D


Well-Known Member
I have no job even though i'm trying my hardest to get one. Chillin with the homies. Get high. Smoke lots of weed. Walk around. Smoke a lil more weed. drink alcohol. Hang out with my boyfriend and fall asleep.

I always do more in between but these are the only things i tend to remember. haha.


Well-Known Member
im a student at a community college, im taking 4 classes and im usually stuck at my school for 5 or 6 hours more than i have to be. i smoke a ton of treefer at school and at home. i have no job, but its not for a lack of trying, atleast once a month, sometimes once a week i go around filling out applications but no matter how many times i harass these places i never get called back. got no car so im kinda limited on where i can go


Well-Known Member
im a student at a community college, im taking 4 classes and im usually stuck at my school for 5 or 6 hours more than i have to be. i smoke a ton of treefer at school and at home. i have no job, but its not for a lack of trying, atleast once a month, sometimes once a week i go around filling out applications but no matter how many times i harass these places i never get called back. got no car so im kinda limited on where i can go
Hell yeah, community college all the way man. Do you do the online applications too? I did a lot of those at every place I could think around me.. and then did actual walkin in weeks/months after filling out these applications. Still no one hired me.

Then I got hired on the spot(still haven't filled out any paperwork...) at a philly cheesesteak place!
it's all about timing man, and the manager at that moment and time when you are well dressed and eager to get that shit and own that shop up.

its a fuckin bitch gettin hired... is it this hard getting hired when you have an actually BA? I would hate to think that all of the plant nurserys I apply to in the future are all overstaffed! lolz. that's the story with EVERY place around here. "Sorry Sir, We're OVERSTAFFED."


find a nice guy man, present yourself.. 95% of businesses want to hire someone with good COMMUNICATION skills so, present those. Good luck!

PS. sorry for the double post. fdd's video deserved a post of its own :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
right now I work 15-20 hours a week at a hardware store, and I go to school full time. i also do some side jobs whenever the opportunity presents itself.


Active Member
got a few classes- *used to* smoke a shit ton of bud- work 40 hrs a week and cook.... now I'm trying to get accepted/get a scholarship for the art institute -- like to party and drive my car too :D


Well-Known Member
When I'm not going to class, I'm a taxi driver and this is my taxi.


Great video explaining the aircraft itself.