What do u use? any advice from exp. growers?


im a begginer grower and have a few plants going. this is my first go around and im learning every day. iv been told that i really need to feed my plants but im not to sure whats the best product. iv reserched all kinds of fertilizerrs and boostes ect. there are so many kinds of diff plant products out there and i have no idea where to even start. being a begginer grower, what would u all recommend as an easy to use fertilizer. oh ya, and im tryin to stay as organic as possible.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Imho the best ferts include Bone & Blood Meals, Bat & Seabird Guanos, Maxicrop soluble powder, Fish Emulsion, Worm Castings and Palm Bunch Ash (0-0-30). All but the Maxicrop & Fish Emulsion need to be mixed into the soil or else made into a tea to fertilize manually with.


so the worm castings. iv heard of this. is that jsut putting wigglers in the soil? does that help keep the ph right, or will it thro it off?