What are these brown dots?


Well-Known Member
i def have a big gnat problem that i never realized. i turned my fan off for a little while and they started coming out like crazy. got any idea's for those?
I think from your last foto's your problem is a fungal infection, if you have many Gnats then they have more than likely introduced this to your plants.To combat the gnats neem cake mixed in with your soil will eradicated the larvae & eggs that the adults lay back into the soil, for the adults lots of sticky fly traps.This will break their cycle & eradicate them.
For the fungal infection, its more of a headache.The only thing i know that works completely is a bio-life. But availability can be an issue.


Well-Known Member
haha if i have i don't remember(must've been to high to kno what i was doing.lol). but nah really man i think you may be right bout the insects. i have had i few gnats every now and then but not enough to make me concerned. but today i got in my grow area and they have def reproduced and there was def more in there than i have seen before so i will have to rid this problem soon. any ideas? umm yea i do have two plants in one bucket..its kind of an experiment just to see if it'll work and what will happen. however i may be wrong but i don't think(again i'm not sure)there big enough to be killing each other out yet. they're approx 10-13" tall and planted bout six inches apart in a three gal bucket. yeahhh there are def time released nutes in the soil ( i member the bag saying it would feed up to 6 or 9 months)+ its miracle grow soil(i bought this kind cause i did research and didn't waanna get bad soil and i fig it was prob the best i can get round here) and its the moisture guard kinda soil too(don't kno if this stuff is bad or not). no i never take them outside. i live in town and it isn't possible for me. thanks for input guys. keep up the good work please ;)
Well, I can tell you that the 'experiment' is not going to help your plants at all. Even if they aren't growing into each other yet, they will, and it won't do anything good. You should separate them into their own pots as soon as possible, before their roots get too grown into each other to separate them.

Miracle Grow is probably about the worst soil you can use for growing MJ, it is full of fungus gnats, the time-release ferts are no good for growing MJ, and that moisture control crap probably just keeps the soil too wet (also causing your fungus gnat problem to get worse).

You don't need to flush, more water will just make those time-release pellets release even more fertilizer. You need to transplant those plants out of that soil and into something good. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil, but it is pricey. You just need to get a good potting soil that is not Miracle Grow, doesn't have any time-release fertilizers, and doesn't have any 'moisture control' elements to it.


thanks for the input speeka i'll look into this as well. as for the experiment i do have a goal for it. its not just completely useless.lol i'm very tight on space and only have a 4 foot flourescent light i keep my plants under. i can only fit 4 buckets under the light so if the two plants in one bucket get big enough and produce enough to satisfy me in the end than that means on next grow i can put two plants per bucket instead of one, in return giving me more smoke...but thank you for your concern its much appreciated. as for the soil i never knew this and thank you for letting me know. the moisture guard is the stupidest thing i've seen and very hard to work with in the beginning and dries far faster on top than on bottom. the bottom stays wet for a long time. i never really thought bout the fertilizer being a problem but now that i look at it i can see how it would make it easy to over fertilize.


Active Member
#1 thing I would recomend getting a PH level pen it can help out alot and be more acurate then the small hit where you take the water and add a few drops to it and put it up agains a colour chart to see what it is


Well-Known Member
I was curious about the subject and did a little research. According to an article I was reading on the Clemson University website:

"In most cases, the pH can be lowered simply by using fertilizers containing ammonium-N. Ammonium sulfate and sulfur-coated urea are two of the best choices for acidifying soils. Most specialty fertilizers for "acid-loving" plants contain ammonium sulfate or sulfur-coated urea. These are popular sources of nitrogen for azaleas and blueberries. "

The article is at http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/lowerpH.html

Keep in mind this isn't an article about cannabis, but I think it still holds water.

Personally, I've heard of people adding small amounts of vinegar to their water. I never tried it, but it doesn't sound like too good of an idea to me.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
What do Yall use to lower your ph?

I think your pH is too high dude. My bottom leaves were dying and getting brown spots JUST like yours and I didn't know what was wrong. I got a $25 pH meter (Milwaukee) and my water is at like 8.2...

Too high of a pH will mean your plants cant absorb the proper nutrients, the nutes are LOCKED OUT!

Get a pH meter, and bring your pH down to like 6.0-6.5.



Well-Known Member
Don't let your pH get below 6.5 or you will start locking out Calcium & Magnesium. Aim for 6.5-6.8. :)

Also I would get some real pH UP and pH DOWN, don't use kitchen chemicals like vinegar & baking soda.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Don't let your pH get below 6.5 or you will start locking out Calcium & Magnesium. Aim for 6.5-6.8. :)

Also I would get some real pH UP and pH DOWN, don't use kitchen chemicals like vinegar & baking soda.
Oh yeah my bad dude, that's what I shoot for but my plants like it a little more acidic... a little lapse of thought from this plant you know :D