What are these brown dots?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan directly on them?
I have an oscillating fan that I run on low a few hours a day halfway on them. halfway on them meaning half the air blows over the top and 1/2 actually at them. It stays pretty cool in there, so I do it mainly just to strengthen the stems


Well-Known Member
i had a fan doing the same thing and it was causing o zone problems and my plants all of a sudden were covered in those small round brown dots turned off the fan and all the new growth is perfect and green. There are so many reasons for brown spots so this has a chance of being it but it has a chance of not being that cause.


Active Member
If you can get a PH Pen. I can't order them online due to most the sites that sell hydro stuff is from the US I don't suport the US by buying from us places and I couldn't find one at my local nersery place I had to hit up a PH pen that costed around $90 sadly it doesn't do ppm but that's ok since PH level is more important. The PH level of your water should be about about 7.0 aka nutral. I tested my water and the PH level was only 0.1 to 0.3 PH diffrence to what it the factory set was.

If you can't afford one you can pick up a cheepy liquid PH testing kit. Its not exact to the 0.1 but it does help get the job done. I was told when you add nutes the ph will drop so please correct me if I was told wrong. But Test your water and water with food in it before and You should test the ph level of the run off. That will give you a good idea on how much the ph changes and you can catch it faster. Adjust the PH level when you water and or feed thus you can keep the PH level of the soil a little easer.


Active Member
If you don't live in the us buy stuff in the counrty that you are in unless they don't carry it then try the next closest country


Well-Known Member
Well here is an updated photo. They are just about 3 weeks old and looking decent I think for a first timer, except for this yellowing problem. Not really sure what to do about it at this point. On the bright side it hasn't progessed any higher than the first set of leaves. Think they might be a little small, but I'm hoping they take off when I move them outside in a few days.

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i think i am having this same problem and i have no idea what it is!!! i'm to on my first grow. i have 5 plants in 4 buckets. the one that has this problem is actually in a bucket with another plant so i automatically thought it might be bc of that but none of the rest of my plants are doing it...including the other plant in the bucket...(i would think this would rule out bugs, but idk??) my plant is a little bit bigger than yours but has had this problem for a couples weeks now and i thought it would work itself out and i gave it time instead of freaking out (as i hear that's bout the number 1 problem for newbs...over re-acting to problems) but it is def getting a lot worse and i'm bout to start loosing leaves!!! i just started flowering today and i need to rid of the problem fast.. i will post some pics on here later this evening and maybe it'll help the diagnosis with mine being a little further along in the process. also my new growth that is staring to come has holes in it like it might be bugs eating it or something. this has just recently started but i don't think its bugs as i stated before no other plants are experiencing this problem. and growth has def slowed...


Well-Known Member
Looking good sonar. I'll be dropping mix this weekend and bringing out plants next week.
Thanks NeL. The two biggest one, especially that one on the bottom right, are getting a little big for my setup, so they gotta go this week sometime. The other 3 can probably wait another week or so. I'm a little worried about transport though. I think I'm going to do it at night. The box my fan came in is just big enough to slide in one of those cardboard 4-slot cupholders you get at McDonalds. The pots fit in the cupholders perfectly.

Just hoping they are ladies :mrgreen:


well i'm growing inside so i don't think it's worms.. thanks for the input tho. its better than nothing. i'm growing in soil and occasionally have a gnat or two flying around but nothing more than that and its not often i even see them.. and as i said in my previous post it is only effecting one plant and the one plant it is effecting is in a 3 gal. bucket with another plant which is not being effected. any info would be great and i will give +rep. i think i'm gonna lose this plant if i don't solve the problem quick. also keep in mind it looked just how sonar's does when it first started except my plant wasn't quit as small when it started. here is some pics..
Photo_05.jpgPhoto000.jpgPhoto001.jpg the first one and third one is the discoloration and dying of the leafs which are getting worse and the second pic is the hole's and there are more on the newest growth coming out but i couldn't get a good pic of it. i don't use any nutrients other than miracle grow. any info would be greatly greatly appreciated +rep. if more info is needed bout growing conditions, just ask


also what ever it is started from the bottom and is working its way up except for the hole's they are only on the top leafs...


Well-Known Member
also what ever it is started from the bottom and is working its way up except for the hole's they are only on the top leafs...
Looks like it could be nute burn to me. Don't know firsthand but it looks like the pictures of nute burn I've seen. You gotta be careful with miracle grow. It seems like it is a little strong, especially if you just starting flowering. How often are you feeding and at what concentration? If I was gonna use miracle grow for veg I'd only use 1/2 strength at most and every third watering (water, water, feed, water, water, feed). Seems like everyone here swears by that Fox Farm stuff, but it's a little to expensive for me. Think I mentioned in an earlier post a got a quart of Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow formula (makes like 50 gallons) for $20 including shipping on ebay. If you have the extra cash I's suggest getting something a little milder. Or run the miracle grow at like 1/2 or even 1/4 strength.


okay thanks alot and i'll look into this defenitely. i have been watering bout every 7 to 10 days. the last time i watered was bout two days before i started flowering and i used regular water cause i wanted to flush a little before using bloom booster so i would have less chance of nute burn. however the two times i watered before that i used miracle grow and at full strength(for whats recom. for indoor plants, not sure what it is at the moment) so this could def be a potential problem. i didn't kno it was that strong, thanks for the heads up. also would nute burn cause the holes in my leafs and new growth? and if i was nute burning them would other plants be showing signs too? not saying your wrong or anything, i'm a newb tho and i wanna get these things worked out so i kno in the future.. thanks a lot for the reply and i'm gonna look further into this nute burn. +rep by the way


Well-Known Member
well i'm growing inside so i don't think it's worms.. thanks for the input tho. its better than nothing. i'm growing in soil and occasionally have a gnat or two flying around but nothing more than that and its not often i even see them.. and as i said in my previous post it is only effecting one plant and the one plant it is effecting is in a 3 gal. bucket with another plant which is not being effected. any info would be great and i will give +rep. i think i'm gonna lose this plant if i don't solve the problem quick. also keep in mind it looked just how sonar's does when it first started except my plant wasn't quit as small when it started. here is some pics..
View attachment 912107View attachment 912108View attachment 912109 the first one and third one is the discoloration and dying of the leafs which are getting worse and the second pic is the hole's and there are more on the newest growth coming out but i couldn't get a good pic of it. i don't use any nutrients other than miracle grow. any info would be greatly greatly appreciated +rep. if more info is needed bout growing conditions, just ask
So are you saying you have 2 plants growing in the same container? If so they are probably fighting for space, and one is winning. ;)

They definitely look like too much fertilizer to me. They are very dark green, which means too much Nitrogen.

Are there time-release fertilizers in that soil? It would say on the bag it came in, or you can sometimes see the little orange, yellow, white round pellets in the dirt.

Do you take these plants outside ever? Holes like that are usually caused by insects, unless you can remember stabbing the leaves with something. :p


So are you saying you have 2 plants growing in the same container? If so they are probably fighting for space, and one is winning. ;)

They definitely look like too much fertilizer to me. They are very dark green, which means too much Nitrogen.

Are there time-release fertilizers in that soil? It would say on the bag it came in, or you can sometimes see the little orange, yellow, white round pellets in the dirt.

Do you take these plants outside ever? Holes like that are usually caused by insects, unless you can remember stabbing the leaves with something. :p
all i have to add is LOL at "unless you remember stabbing the leaves with something" just made me laugh so hard lol =]


haha if i have i don't remember(must've been to high to kno what i was doing.lol). but nah really man i think you may be right bout the insects. i have had i few gnats every now and then but not enough to make me concerned. but today i got in my grow area and they have def reproduced and there was def more in there than i have seen before so i will have to rid this problem soon. any ideas? umm yea i do have two plants in one bucket..its kind of an experiment just to see if it'll work and what will happen. however i may be wrong but i don't think(again i'm not sure)there big enough to be killing each other out yet. they're approx 10-13" tall and planted bout six inches apart in a three gal bucket. yeahhh there are def time released nutes in the soil ( i member the bag saying it would feed up to 6 or 9 months)+ its miracle grow soil(i bought this kind cause i did research and didn't waanna get bad soil and i fig it was prob the best i can get round here) and its the moisture guard kinda soil too(don't kno if this stuff is bad or not). no i never take them outside. i live in town and it isn't possible for me. thanks for input guys. keep up the good work please ;)


Well-Known Member
haha if i have i don't remember(must've been to high to kno what i was doing.lol). but nah really man i think you may be right bout the insects. i have had i few gnats every now and then but not enough to make me concerned. but today i got in my grow area and they have def reproduced and there was def more in there than i have seen before so i will have to rid this problem soon. any ideas? umm yea i do have two plants in one bucket..its kind of an experiment just to see if it'll work and what will happen. however i may be wrong but i don't think(again i'm not sure)there big enough to be killing each other out yet. they're approx 10-13" tall and planted bout six inches apart in a three gal bucket. yeahhh there are def time released nutes in the soil ( i member the bag saying it would feed up to 6 or 9 months)+ its miracle grow soil(i bought this kind cause i did research and didn't waanna get bad soil and i fig it was prob the best i can get round here) and its the moisture guard kinda soil too(don't kno if this stuff is bad or not). no i never take them outside. i live in town and it isn't possible for me. thanks for input guys. keep up the good work please ;)
Yeah that stuff that says "feeds for 6 months" or whatever definitely contains fertilizer. I'm using miracle grow potting mix because it's all I have access to. It has little pellets in it that are times released fertilizer. If you look closely you can see them. They are yellow and about the size of a BB. This, along with the added fertilizer might be causing some nute burn. I actually sifted through the soil as best I could and removed all the little pellets.


yea i've seen them in it. it's a little late for me to pick thru it tho.lol i def have a big gnat problem that i never realized. i turned my fan off for a little while and they started coming out like crazy. got any idea's for those? and would you still think i should fertalize every two to three waterings with maybe starting out at quarter dose and moving up to half? and should i flush my plants out for the nute burn or just wait it out?