What age would you smoke weed with your kid?


Well-Known Member
It is a long way off for myself, we are about to have our first baby. But when he grows up and I want to be the first one to smoke weed with him, also to make sure he doesnt get into anything harder as well. I was thinking 18 or 19, but I think he will most likely have already smoked it by then.

So what age would you smoke weed with your kid?
I honestly wouldn't even want to introduce him to weed, the longer he's sober the better. I'd probably give him a bowl of salvia so he wont like it and trip out(I hope) and be clean and have a drug free body. Same with soda I'd give him watered down nasty soda so he'll stick to water.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't smoke weed with my "kid" I would wait until he's a man which would be around 18. I would love it if he would wait until 21 when his brain is pretty much complete. And I'm not gonna be the one to introduce it to him.


Well-Known Member
I honestly wouldn't even want to introduce him to weed, the longer he's sober the better. I'd probably give him a bowl of salvia so he wont like it and trip out(I hope) and be clean and have a drug free body. Same with soda I'd give him watered down nasty soda so he'll stick to water.
Judging from that thread you made. You are full oh shit. Probably been smoking with him already.
Dam stick to one thing and go with it stop trying to make other like you by changing you mind every 5min.



Well-Known Member
First off I wouldnt put an age on it but go more by feel and maturity of child. Your kid may never wish to smoke and that being his/her choice should be supported. If they smoke in a socially healthy manor and keep their grades up then I would have no problem smoking with my kid when they are 18. Ideally I would hope my kid wouldnt start before 15/16 just because I believe they should be fairly mature before discovering it.

the choice is yours bro but thats my input, cheers :)


Well-Known Member
The obvious response is 18, but I honestly.. I don't give a shit, if they start smoking, and they come clean about it I won't care. Maybe once in a blue moon share a joint with them. Its what my dad did, I turned out alright. I just think if you raise the kid the right way it shouldn't matter if son and father share some unique high times.. But definitely when they are 18 SHITS GOIN DOWN! :D


Active Member
i woudnt be the first,let him do it on his own,he might not even want to smoke,but if you smell it in his room or something bring it up,let him know how much trouble he can get in and if he still wants to smoke it its better to smoke in the safety of his own home i guess


Well-Known Member
I honestly wouldn't even want to introduce him to weed, the longer he's sober the better. I'd probably give him a bowl of salvia so he wont like it and trip out(I hope) and be clean and have a drug free body. Same with soda I'd give him watered down nasty soda so he'll stick to water.
i like this mindset, however Id wait till i caught him with it and then id make him smoke it all with me and id explain about moderation and social stigmas.


Well-Known Member
I'd let him/her 'try it' with me at 15/16. I'd rather that than have the
Do it somewhere without supervision and so I'd know exactly what/how much they are smoking and in safe company. If they like it or are already smoking it with friends I 'd want them to prove to me in the next three years they can smoke only occasionally and keep up with their schoolwork/ behavior or I'll come down on them hard. I want to see if they can resist becoming arrogant because of it, not talking about weed in front of me and not smoking in the house. I will quiz them on how much they know about it's effects on their body, if they know their strains and if they are not meeting dealers alone in unsafe places. If I'm satisfied with their maturity towards marijuana use, then I'd like to smoke with them. Ah! If they promise not to smoke cigarettes, use hard drugs, abuse pharmaceuticals or ever get drunk too! Then I will let them get high with me.


Well-Known Member
I'd let him/her 'try it' with me at 15/16. I'd rather that than have the
Do it somewhere without supervision and so I'd know exactly what/how much they are smoking and in safe company. If they like it or are already smoking it with friends I 'd want them to prove to me in the next three years they can smoke only occasionally and keep up with their schoolwork/ behavior or I'll come down on them hard. I want to see if they can resist becoming arrogant because of it, not talking about weed in front of me and not smoking in the house. I will quiz them on how much they know about it's effects on their body, if they know their strains and if they are not meeting dealers alone in unsafe places. If I'm satisfied with their maturity towards marijuana use, then I'd like to smoke with them. Ah! If they promise not to smoke cigarettes, use hard drugs, abuse pharmaceuticals or ever get drunk too! Then I will let them get high with me.
I was thinking the same thing, it would be a safe environment and he would now know what he is getting into. If I ever had a girl, I would def be the first to smoke it with her.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Well, similar question, would you let your kid drink before 21? Sometime in the next 20 years there are going to be a lot of laws passed, and if they pass it and make a legal age ie alcohol I'd probably go by that. BUT I won't be one of those parents who let's their kid's friends come over and blaze. Then again as technology progresses it's gonna be a lot harder to get seeds ect so who knows what may happen.


Active Member
Then again as technology progresses it's gonna be a lot harder to get seeds ect so who knows what may happen.
Which is a great reminder for me to get the strains I want NOW. Pollen collector, right here baby. Attitude will not be around forever if my "government" has anything to do with it. Better get what you can before it's too late.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
First one to smoke weed with him? As early as possible, you are making the assumption you will know all and have control over all. Smoke with him when he's ready to skoke with ytou, most bets will dictate that you're not going to be the first person he smokes with. Just think about sitting down with him at an apprptriate time, don't sit around o your own thinking you've got to be the first, he' ready when he's ready.


Well-Known Member
Well, similar question, would you let your kid drink before 21? Sometime in the next 20 years there are going to be a lot of laws passed, and if they pass it and make a legal age ie alcohol I'd probably go by that. BUT I won't be one of those parents who let's their kid's friends come over and blaze. Then again as technology progresses it's gonna be a lot harder to get seeds ect so who knows what may happen.
Most kids here first try alcohol at about 13. I tried beer when I was seven (my dad's friend) and still hate it now. I love rum, whiskey, brandy and cider but never get properly drunk. It's legal to drink at 18 but it's so commonplace to see 15 year olds going out and getting FUCKED every week. I make a point of not allowing myself to become part of that binge drinking culture. Lucky I have a high tolerance to it for such a small girl lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Can't rep you again KT but i'm glad there are some sane folk on this silly little island of ours. I'm no saint when it comes to alcohol haha, but i'm aware that 14yr olds getting pissed in the park is not any help to our society. I had the occasional sip of beer when i was young with my parents, but my first ever time getting drunk i believe I was 17 and had no issue that i had "waited so long" (seems sex and relationships and the likes is going a similar way)