what about top feeding


Well-Known Member
While I'm waiting on my ph down to come, and the plants can not get what they need throught the roots. Does anybody think(know) if foliar feeding would help during this stressful time?

toast master

Well-Known Member
Chumlie..... whats up... what are you doing... you want to foiler feed in place of root feeding ?... ,be more specific are you not feeding at all...?


Well-Known Member
No Im root feeding Its not all geting in from the ph problem that I'm still waiting to fix, so I was wondering should I do some foliar feeding for now. Maybe it want do anything cuz it probably still has to use the bad ph water to move the nute anyways( which it can't). Is my thinking right?

toast master

Well-Known Member
Welll ..... you could use bottled water to mix with your nutes till ph down comes in .. you can be pretty sure that bottled water is ph nutrel... that is your best bet.. mix small batches just what you need each feeding .. not to expenxsive for short term use.... you do have nutes...? right...


Well-Known Member
Well, I got some sad news one of my plants die, 3 out of 5 left. So I changed back to plain water with hydo nutes no more miriacle grow. My tomato still alive.

Where did Al go? He said he used ebb/flo, but what I couldn't figure out was how did he get water in those coffee can looking containers with the perlite. Was there bottoms cut out?

toast master

Well-Known Member
Als making bacon for a few days hell be back.... sorry about your loss... you can still save the others... no more miracle grow though........ just make small batches of nutes and top feed , flood and drain pots have mfg holes in them.. if your pot dont ..cut holes in 4 places around the bottom about the size of a guarter or so..you can top flood the plants and let it drain out the bottom .. just till your stuff comes in...


Well-Known Member
Yea, Im going to use ebb/fllow for flowering but the plants that I have now are in homemade aerosystem. The problem is going to be when switching over to ebb/flow cuz the roots come out through the net pots.

So what I thought about(if I stick to the aerosystem) was to buy more net pots and cycle them through, are after this set up switch my aero system to a cloner and have ebb/flow for veg. and flowering.


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere you can use baking soda and vinegar as ph down and up im not quite sure but i bet if you look it up that should help till you get wat you need


Well-Known Member
i dont use it thanks for letting me kno though for future references i got a quick question have you ever used SUPERNATURAL NUTES

toast master

Well-Known Member
ok .. let me tell what i do and you can decide for your self... i use 8 " pots. i line the bottom with landscape fabric to stop any escape of media. i use one hand full of rock wool flock on top of that to allow for some safety if a pump fails. i then fill to top with perlite... i have 3 mothers that i started in dirt and just transfered them right over into the perlite.. i do not top feed those plants at all they would fill the rez with dirt,,not good.... all plants are flood and drain 40 gal rez ...