Welcome New Members!


New Member
Seasons Greeting from Seattle!
I am new to the site but have been reading threads for awhile now and obtaining some great advice thru everyone's questions.
Currently I am running two homemade grow boxes.. 1 measures approximately 8wx8Lx7'T 1000 watt HPS with two 250cfm ducted exhaust fans to expel heat and I oscillating fan mounted inside.
The other box measures approximately 4'wx4'dx5't 400 watt hps with 1- 250cfm ducted exhaust fan system. The smaller of the two is generally used to house my mother plants from which I plan on cloning from.
i am very happy to report my boxes are working better than was anticipated and I am going to harvest my fist batch in about another week or so.
Just waiting patiently on some amber Tricromes.


Hello all,
Recently registered with the site, as im in the process of building my first personal grow room. i have experience growing outdoors up in New England; however moving indoors is quite a daunting task, indeed, to begin from scratch. I have used the site in the past but now that im indoors i feel that joining this community of growers is going to be an invaluable resource once im up and running. I have seen so much great advice and wisdom come down through grower's forums that cannot be found anywhere else, and realize there is no better way to learn than through a great community of generously helpful people willing to share there wisdom with the rest of us. I very much look forward to taking part in this organic process.

Bonng Solo

New Member
Hey there, Bonng Solo here, first time grower, went whole hog. Got a an ACTech Stanley 336 Pro. Got set up, planted four Kush and one Big Bang 2. 3 weeks in Big Bang 3.5" tall, Kush looked like it was germinating, but nothing. PH-6.7, Ambient air avg. 80*F, water temp-75*F, ppm-570, water cycle was 15min every 2 hours, backed down to 15 min every 3 hours, lighting from seed to present 24/7 270 watt LEDx2 and 42watt T-5x3. Last 2 days backed lite down to 18 hrs. on 6 hrs. off. Pulled 2 Kush seeds that did not germinate.


New Member
Whats up guys, so about 2 months ago my friend and I were smoking some great dank. We were so high lol we decided hey why not just grow our own plants. with no prior knowledge or anything we threw about 10 seeds into the same pot. about 60 joints later 5 of them have grown but they are in the same pot. my question is will the plants die? they seem to be doing very well right now. the one in the middle is the largest and seems to be getting the most nutrients thus stunting the other's growth a bit but they are still coming along.


Active Member
Hey guys and gals, never introduced myself formerly!

I am a marijuana advocate here in one of the two states that have legalized it. I am very excited about the new laws and am now going to start growing.

Happy Smoking


New Member
I recently got my medical cannabis license and want to try my hand at growing.
I have a plan in mind, but I have a question concerning egg shells mixed into the soil, has any body heard if fhis works or not?


Hello RIU, I have visited many times in the past. Now I'm finally on my own and can start a project, I do hope that one day I will be able to contribute to the community.


New Member
Hey guys, Ragnar here, just started growing a seed from a dime of regs. It's a tiny sprout right now, I potted it in a 5L bucket, currently using Miracle Grow Fast Root Development Mix, since it's my first plant just trying a basic setup.
Hey guys!

Joined up earlier today. Started my grow journal(in my sig). Come tune in, day 19 of 12/12 going to start getting exciting soon! Any and all comments/suggestions are very appreciated! Vets, drop by let me know how I'm doing!

pretty knowledgeable and love helping ppl too. Feel free to ask me Q's!


New Member
have been reading the forums on here for the last 2 months and joined today, as I find all the advice and answers I have needed so far. I am a complete novice and have germinated my first seeds 10th October. Out of the 10 germinated only 1 survived, due to my having no idea lol. The survivor is a healthy female amnesia haze. she has been under 12/12 for about 2 weeks and looking healthy (pics will be posted when I work out how)


New Member
I have 10 purple cheese seeds for an project at VTech. I currently study Medicated weed. Just got here this month and want to know how much havest from each seed of purple cheese. And growing out door an estimated time for and out door plant how long you think it will take for it to be fully develop?


Well-Known Member
Ive been hanging around for a while. I built a small grow box, it was to small, modified a entertainment center for growing. Got 4 bag seeds growing. Just wanted to say good sight and thanks for the info.


New Member
hey everyone , Merry Christmas Everyone , HELP! been fighting aphids , spider mites and little black flys , all that is left is the aphids now, I'm going out of my head Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
thanks for the help :)

Peace G