Welcome New Members!


Staff member
Are we allowed to sell seeds on this site if you're from US? Provide discrete shipping and only accept GDMP?(Grren Dot Money Pak). I tried searching on here and its mostly companies from another country and have to order from there website. Or people saying "why should we buy from u" etc etc..
there is absolutely NO selling or trading on riu or gifting or hook ups of anything! :D


New Member
Hello all. I've got some auto female seeds (Dr. Feelgood, Russian rocket fuel, Onyx and Mi5) some 5gal pots and a 400w Hps ballast and light and a fan. I've got FFOF to put in the pots. I was told not to use any nutes at all at least for the first few weeks, I'm a great listener/reader. Hoping for the best out of all these. Dropping them into water Friday to begin germinating them. Best of luck to everyone growing. Blessings!! (any advise or ideas I'd welcome gladly, I'll post pics once I get going.) :peace::joint::joint::joint:


New Member
Hey guys ive got four plants in cut out gallon jugs planted outdoors, ive got a 6-9-6 fertilizer as close to the dynagro fertilizer as i could get an they are about 3 weeks old and have 4-6 sets of leaves. Should i start adding the fertilizer now? They look ok but im starting to see one of them looks chewed up by something.. Ive got neem oil in case anything real nasty happens.


New Member
Hi guys, not a newbie to growing but a newbie here, Im in the south UK and look forward to speaking to like minded growers



New Member
May I start to soak all this beautiful Cannabis Knowledge...new member long time cheefa want to growa tha reefa. Hello Roll it up Community! BZ help me learn! bout to light my :joint: now im :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:...:peace::twisted:


New Member
Hi I'm Kim, I am a newb herb grower. I've been have a growing tons of house plants and herbs and vegis for years. This is my first go round with Mary. I have 2 plants 1that is about 20" in a 4.5 gallon pot & 10 weeks of vegetation. I just caught my first bunch of spider mites.. so I'm treating them with Azamax .. I've been strictly daylight and florescent 16hrs on 8 off. I'm in psagnum moss and coconut fiber. the other is a bloom clone 4.5 weeks in veg. In a 2 gal pot same medium. I have an HPS 1000watt light but with the heat and utilities I'm waiting to use it until the plant is a bit larger..and I'm using Bitanicare nutrients. starting tonight. I've used rose food nutrients up unroll this point and has proven sufficient. Yep that me


Stoner girl here! First time growing and I am hoping to find someone who can walk me through it as my plants grow? Someone I can talk to regularly about my plants... anyone interested? I could really use the help!


Well-Known Member
Girl, I might suggest starting your own thread, but this might
not get the attention that you want.

There are certain threads that are very active free-for-alls.
Examples are the Indoor Growing Forum threads associated
with the various grow light powers. (i.e. I am in the "600 W" thread)

If they are owned by cool people (DST handles the 600. Very cool),
then you will find them to be great places to ask questions.

Good luck,



New Member
Hey everyone, just saying hi. I have a 4 buddies I am currently caring for. I have never grown anything before so this is a cool learning experience for me. I started off by just looking around on the site, but after reading and realizing how nice everyone seems and how helpful the community is I figured I would register and post a little bit. I am a little skeptical about posting just because of the legalities but that does not seem to be much concern on here lol


New Member
Hello, Just joined and dropped in to say hi. I've had a little look around the site and I must say that it is awesome and full of info. I'm glad there is a newb forum. I am a long time smoker but I have never tried to grow. It looks like an amazing adventure and I can't wait to start. I just had one question, from what I understand, if I grow outdoor I will get better medicinal qualities. Is that correct? I plan to utilize all of plant so I'd like to be able to get the best quality meds I can.


New Member
Total noob here, I plan on starting a very small personal crop, I was totally addicted to cigarettes but an utterly quitting them, only smoked cigs for like a year now so it's good I've not been doing them forever, I plan on replacing them with the green from which I'll also get heath benefits for anxiety issues I've got :)

Also totally stupid question but how do I add a profile/avatar picture, I can't figure it out?
Long time smoker First time grower. first and foremost, I just want to say I have found this forum very helpful in my quest to procure a smoke-able product, as I can no longer afford to buy at the outrageous prices that are demanded in my area. Now that I am enrolled in an online school, I thought what better way to put my expendable income to work than to give myself something to do, and very possibly turn it into a lucrative career further down the road , as I feel my state will follow suit one day and id like to be prepared. first grow was a failure due to bag seeds I had all turned out to be all male. I got smart and decided to order feminized seeds ( caramelicous ) and with It I received twenty "free" seeds . so far this has all been experimental, but with the help of this site I have been able to make educated decisions on what I should do and how I should do It. I n my opinion I have a pretty basic setup. its set up in a little cubby hole in the basement, so it stays relatively cool(80f- 50%rh) . I run a 400w ballast with a hortilux eye mh for grow and the hps for bloom which I only got to use for like a week until I found out my plants were male... so far im just using soil with nutes , and airpots. I plan on starting a grow journal once my plants are a little more established. I figure no one really cares about the first 6 weeks of grow, and unless I run into problems I cant find the answer for on here I don't have a reason to start it so soon. I feel like im rambling, and I just waned to get my fist post out of the way, so I wish everyone on here the best of luck, and from my experience,if you have a question this sit has many resources available all you have to do is look around. its remembering that information that is my problem... Thanks to everyone at Roll It Up , and im glad to part of this community --Al


New Member
Hey guys! Hope this is the right thread to say hello. :)
I just joined the forum cause i got tired of just reading ebooks and watching videos. I'm new, done my homework, hoping to get started. There are still some things unclear plus i haven't done any move to purchase what i need yet. I'm still in the plan section of the plan then plant... :P
I was hoping to have a access to the classies in order to get my first stuff (like some HPS lighting) but that's ok. It seems i may need to spend like a lot of money to get started.
Anyhow good to be here, i really hope i'll be able to start up though not sure yet..


New Member
Hey, Im a newbie and i have a 3month old sativa grown in a pot outside and ive noticed the last 3 days the leaves are drooping and the edges are raised the leaves also feel rough ill post some pics a lil later. Any help would be madly apreciated.
Hi all, I'm pretty new to the growing world, so I will probably have lots of questions in the future! I love the growing community here, everyone seems really knowledgable and eager to help. Thanks all!


New Member
Hello everyone, Im new to growing and honestly have not smoked in over six years but not against it. My career would have been in danger if i had not quit.. Anyway..
My girlfriend smokes and i need a hobby so im giving this a go! Im from the states, just below the great lakes. "I know geographical location could play a roll in advice given"
and i plan on growing indoors. I will most likely be starting my seeds tonight after writing this introduction and perusing through the wealth of information on this site.
I hope to get to know you all and learn from the "PRO'S"!


New Member
Hi my name is karam and i am from Sydney (Minto) but i am an Indian , To day i join this forum and i read out all the thread and get pretty knowledge thank's to be a part of that site....


New Member
Hi you all, I have been growing outdoors for several year, sometime very successfully, sometimes not so. The last couple have been better with experience. Now that I have found this forum with a wealth of info and experience, I hope to have the best harvests ever.