Welcome New Members!

  • I recieved a mj plant from a friend, I transplanted it in a field next to the house for security reasons. This is my first plant, I need to know how much water and fertalizer to give it! First I planted it in good soil from my garden, then I've been giving it 1 Gallon of water/day and 1x a week I've been giving it multipurpose mericle grow.

Hi guys hope we all having a gr8 day :) hope to meet lots of growing buddy's here to guide me on this new adventure about to go on .
Enjoy ur day
Cherrs transkie bones


Active Member
Greetings everyone, thought that I would say hi and check in. I joined last month and have been doing a lot of reading and learning. I have a few beans coming and will start my second grow shortly. I got one bag seed to germinate a couple of years ago and vegged it under a 400w MH and then switched to a HPS bulb for flowering. Alas, it was male. This time, I intend to start only 4 fems for myself and hope that it goes well. Pics and questions will be posted as I need to. Hopefully just pics of success, as most questions have been asked and answered. I look forward to learning from you all.
Hey all, newbie from NZ. Received some bag seed I'm starting out with. So much to learn/plan. Having so much fun already though...Best of luck to everyone.
Greetings fellow cultivators and tokers, I just joined this forum and I posted a thread a couple minutes ago, glad to be a part of this group!
Happy growing/smoking


Hello, i will apologise if i may spell wrong and stuff, english is not my first language.
I am currently reading alot so i can learn about growing, i plan on getting a pc stealth grow going :). So im just reading journals and guides while saving up some cash.
As i am becoming more interested in growing i feel that its not that much about the yield and i think growing and smoking ur own will be a great experiance.
Hey Everyone, just wanted to introduce myself and to say thanks for a really good forum/information centre, been out of the game for many years but have just set up a new room with 20 K2 cuttings, a lot of things have changed over the years and after boring my shop assistant with many questions I thought it best to find other means of answers, so here I am.
Look forward to speaking with you all.



Well-Known Member
Hi Forum - Newbie here. Trolling, learning alot and recently courageous enough to even post a few questions. All postive here.

Question: What qualifies as a sticky thread/post and how does one create one?

Best to all.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hi newbs! I was once a newb and in some cases ill always be a newb lol. If there's anything i can help with let me know..anything with peat based mediums and organic tea's i have some knowledgebase to share. Above all welcome to riu. spread the love!


Well-Known Member
Hey all! I noticed this was a thread for noobs so here i am! Im kinda computer illiterate and i cant seem to figure out how to post up pics, make an album, or start new journals..im a long time grower and would like to start journals of the 4 grows i got going now...CottonCandy, Chemdawg, Critical Mass, & Blue Widow. Anyways, hello to all and im excited to join the community! biggup one love


Well-Known Member
Hey all, im a new guy and yet been around along time:).. ive done some out door growing over the years, now that the kids are all grown up Daddy is growing indooors. waiting on some seeds 10 afgani and 10 deeppurple , friend broguht me over a few Durban poision. i have 2 growing as we speak. the y jsut went under light 2 days ago. i have a medical card. and here in Colorado we are legal WOOT. well any way jsut saying Hi


Active Member
Hey guys. Newbie here, of course need some advice. :D

Currently growing some Lowryder 2 plants. Got the seeds from a friend. 150 watt hps, still waiting for them to show sex, they are 26 days old. The light is 20/4 on/off, stc 1000 keeps the things at 25 C degrees.

My problem is the following:

Have to go on holidays for 12 days...what to do? Do not want to leave the whole setup, paranoiac that I will cause fire or something. My (self built) closet is near the gas tank.

My possibilities are the following:

1. Get rid of them, do not fancy this.
2. Leave them in the house (under the roof window), 20 C degrees and some light. Will they stink up the whole house?
3. Leave them in the greenhouse, in the backyard. Currently 1-10 C degrees. Kinda cold, but some light.

What would you do?????

Any help appreciated. :D

I copy you a small story I read the other day, I thought this is the saint plant which helps me with my insomnia/back pain. Hope you like it.

The story of the poisonous plant.

A group of people discover that a poisonous plant is growing in their backyard. They begin to panic, as they recognize that this is very dangerous. So they try to cut down the plant.

Another group of people arrive, and, realizing that the plant is dangerous, but that simply cutting it will not be sufficient since its roots remain to sprout anew, they throw hot ash or boiling water over the roots to prevent the plant from ever growing again.

The next group of people to appear on the scene are the shamans, and when they see this poison they are not alarmed; on the contrary, they are very pleased, since they have been looking for this particular poison. They know how to transform the poison into medicine rather than destroying it.

Finally, a peacock lands, and dances with joy when it sees the poison. It immediately consumes the poisonous plant and turns it into beauty, the peacock owes its beauty to the fact that it eats a particular species of poisonous plant.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
Hello room, I'm Rob although I have been successful in my version of horticulture, I have been failing at trying to load my pics and edit the albums. talk about something simple making one feel incompetent... UGH