Welcome New Members!

hey peeps, got a weird one. its my first solo outdoor grow i got ww and a haze both doing really well 4 weeks flowering, but my neighbour gave me one of his plant he'd grow outdoors from april(he moved the rest into a tent but had no room for the other) now ive been putting them in and out of a dark room ive made in a green house mine are flowering nicely but the other plant is showing nothing at all, its late august now so im worried it wont finish on time, still not sure if its male or not.
Hi everyone
I'm new as many in here I think I'm doin a good job so far w my plants from seeds to flowering and cloning but I'm not getting a good amount per plant I'm getting an average of 2.5 to 3.5 ounzes per plant, I'm growing PPP, master kush and Swiss cheese from nirvana, thank you for any help
get a magnifier with a light 12.00 at radio shack and when the resen on the bud is an amber color its time to harrvest.
hey people frankie hear new member stopin by to say wats up!

i actullay have three plants growing but i am a new grower
ummm i have determined that i have two females and one male
the question i have is my females seems to be doing great i think i can see buds
but how do i know when the buds are ready and what does a full grwon bud look like?
Hey guys new 2 this site iv got 2 plants in a closet lined with tin foil under a 250wt cfl grow light and a small 6 inch fan, they are 3 weeks old now and about 4 inches high and 4 inches wide they are just growing there 4th set of nodes but all the nodes are very close together i'm pairnoid that the plant is not growing as quick as it should hight wise.
My bulb is like 4 inches away from the plants and has been since re-poted at just over 1 week sorry I can't post an image as I am on my I phone any advice wud be much appriciated ty
I am new to growing, but I have some awesome plants growing outside. I am looking to move my operation indoors with a volksgarden, but I know nothing about growing with hydroponics, adding the nutrients and what I need to to. Also, I am interested to know what an average yield should be with 80 plants in the volksgarden, how long they take to bloom, and how potent the final product is. I am new to all of this, so thanks for being patient and all of your help.


hi im new here n i was wondering if there is any post on how to build guide??? maybe a pc case or a rubbermaid? sometime small, its going to be my first time so im just trying to start with 1 or 2 plants. any info will help on how i should start off. thanks
What up everybody I'm a new grower and learning new shit everyday. I had three plants but one died and now i got two fuckin males. I guess thats life but I welling to learn more and give some feedback.


hello every one i am Ronnie and i am from Maine and i am doing my first grow so far so good thank you every one in advance for all the help and knowledge i will receive take care and God Bless


Can someone explain all this stuff to me...from the main forum page and all the "creating threads" and search thread rate this thread. I'm confused on this forum thing...I'm new at all this