Welcome New Members!


Hey whats up everyone!!! Another newbie. Been smokin since '75. Never tried growin before. After a relocation, made it hard to find a hook up. Decided to take matters into my own ground. I live in the mountains, about 1/2 mile elevation. Only have 1 girl now. She's a good 6 ft. tall and very full. The buds are starting to form and I can see the little white "hairs" starting. She gets a solid 7 hours of direct sun. Daytime temp is mid 80's and 60 at night. How long will a typical flowering process take? Where do you find the will power to wait till there ready???


Hey whats up everyone!!! Another newbie. Been smokin since '75. Never tried growin before. After a relocation, made it hard to find a hook up. Decided to take matters into my own ground. I live in the mountains, about 1/2 mile elevation. Only have 1 girl now. She's a good 6 ft. tall and very full. The buds are starting to form and I can see the little white "hairs" starting. She gets a solid 7 hours of direct sun. Daytime temp is mid 80's and 60 at night. How long will a typical flowering process take? Where do you find the will power to wait till there ready???
Flowering time is strain-dependant.. But generally speaking you can expect 8 - 10 weeks until she's ripe :) However, if she is on the sativa side of things, it could be more like 12. Hope that helps!


Well u got a big waste of time if you don't get some serious nutrients maybe Hanna or fox farm nitrogen in veg state and Phosphate in flowering .depending where u live because u need min.16 hrs.a day of light in veg and 12/12 in flowering .also when u begin flowering watch for the males w/seeds n/g good luck Lou


Hey All somewhat new here

Medical user from Washington State here looking forward to getting some good knowledge from everyone.

1st time grower, 6 girls

3 - Veg X 60+ days
1 - Clone veg X 45 days
2 - clones veg x 1 week

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Hello, everyone! Captain Ahab here.

Nice to meet you all!
New to the forum.

DISCLAIMER: Any information (especially related to Marijuana or any other Controlled Substance) relayed through the use of this or any other or any related website by any person(s) operating THIS PROFILE, "Captain Ahab," does not portray or relate to any real act, action, or activity of any actual person(s), whether a user of this profile "Captain Ahab," or mentioned as a third party; as such, all information posted or uploaded by the aforementioned person(s) using this profile, "Captain Ahab," is to be regarded as entirely fictional and hypothetical. Any photographs posted by any aforementioned person(s) or users of this profile, "Captain Ahab," (especially those depicting Marijuana or Cannabis or any other Controlled Substance) are hereby declared to be fictional (digitally altered or fabrcated), original (legally owned by the user of this profile and/or originally created by the user), or legally borrowed with permission from a third party.

That out of the way, I'm happy to meet some people who share my interests.

I'm passionate about politics in my everyday life, but what I do here, and what I'll mostly talk about here, is a catharsis and a hobby to me, a place to escape the disgusting world of government, and enjoy something natural, clean, healthy, and steeped in science, biology, physiology, botany, craft, art, history, and religion.

I'm a busy guy sometimes, so my posting might seem sporadic at times, so bear with me- I'm not going anywhere.

I'm a relatively new grower; I'm working on my second grow at the moment with Nirvana's Bubblelicious and Ice.

I'll start a new thread for my grow as soon I get some pictures sitchiated. Probably call it something like "Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice Soil Grow" and fill it with pictures and more about myself, and ask for advice.

Everyone. :bigjoint:


Active Member
hi all, i am new here, but i was surfing this site for a month, so i thought i'll register so i can ask, learn and share experience , i started growing on 14th july 2011, 11 plants , 8 of them died only three survived, and then in august i added 4 more here is a pic



Active Member
Hello everyone. I do have a question about this site right off the bat. How do you post a profile picture? I don't see any instructions anywhere on how to do that.
I've never grown before and I want to start my first grow about mid-October. I would like to start sooner than that but I'm going to be away for a week at the beginning of October. I want to start out with a small space grow and I want to do it as cheaply as possible, but not so cheap that I won't be successful; in other words I'll spend what I need to spend but I don't want to go hog wild on the funds in the beginning. I'm interested in the idea of CFL growing and I'm also interested in the SPROG, I think that's right, way of growing that I've read a little bit on. I welcome all help, advice, critiques and I hope to be able to do the same when I'm up and running and feel competent enough to do so. All suggestions on the set-up of a closet type of grow would be very welcome as well as all advice on what to do and on what not to do.
Would welcome everyone to stop by my profile to say hi and become friends. Cheers PS- Why am I labeled a Stranger under my name and what do I have to do to lose the Stranger label? I came here to make friends and learn how to grow so I really don't like the"Stranger" label.


Hello everyone. I do have a question about this site right off the bat. How do you post a profile picture? I don't see any instructions anywhere on how to do that.
I've never grown before and I want to start my first grow about mid-October. I would like to start sooner than that but I'm going to be away for a week at the beginning of October. I want to start out with a small space grow and I want to do it as cheaply as possible, but not so cheap that I won't be successful; in other words I'll spend what I need to spend but I don't want to go hog wild on the funds in the beginning. I'm interested in the idea of CFL growing and I'm also interested in the SPROG, I think that's right, way of growing that I've read a little bit on. I welcome all help, advice, critiques and I hope to be able to do the same when I'm up and running and feel competent enough to do so. All suggestions on the set-up of a closet type of grow would be very welcome as well as all advice on what to do and on what not to do.
Would welcome everyone to stop by my profile to say hi and become friends. Cheers PS- Why am I labeled a Stranger under my name and what do I have to do to lose the Stranger label? I came here to make friends and learn how to grow so I really don't like the"Stranger" label.
Welcome :) To set your Avatar and Profile pic just click on My Rollitup.. Top righthand corner. Happy posting!

Oh.. btw, you may want to consider T5 lamps for a budget grow.. bulbs/tubes are on par with CFL price-wise and you can switch spectrum for Veg & Flower.. Very low heat output as well.
This is my second year growing, but last year was a bust. My plants are about 12 weeks and are outside. they are about 4 1/2 feet and are females. I got excited when i noticed white hairs? wel2011-08-18_12-52-36_882.jpgl at least i hope thats what they are. Friend says they are far along for this time of year and they smell amazing!!! tell me what you think



WE are just strating a hydro garden and using 6" rockwool cubes, how often do we need to water and how much for ebb and flo sytem