Welcome New Members!


I have just purchased a pack of og kush beans from dr green thumb along with the endless sky and a new strand called iranian chemdog all which are feminized indica dominant.....im new to indoor growing and do have a little money to spend and was guided towards the bcnorthernlights producer..but it seems its a little out my budget...my goal is to achieve something similar to those west coast tasting heavy high indicas such as grandaddy purple, grape ape, and all sorts of other kushes that just seems to stand out above the rest and that the connisours have learnt to love...but sadly due to my area i dont have access to these amazing clone only strands and was told things like the og kush from green thumb was the closest i was gonna get and im am wondering if anyone is familar with these strands and can guide me in the right direction....im considering the screen of green method...2 1000w hps lights for flowering


Hey everyone. First time grower here, just thought I would do a little bit of research. Anyone know if regular dirt from outside is good to grow in?


Hey guys, did a lot of research to find the best forum's for growers and rollitup.org was it!....I got some questions about my grow, where should I post them?


Hey everyone. First time grower here, just thought I would do a little bit of research. Anyone know if regular dirt from outside is good to grow in?
yeah it is fine to grow in- as long as it drains good, doesn't seem to have too much clay, and you keep the pH stabilized. also, watch out for unwanted pests. you could put the amout of soil you need in a baking pan and throw it in your oven at 150 degrees for 45 mins to an hour; that will sterilize it.


Hi everyone im new at this as you can tell. I want to grow a single plant. I have four seeds. How can i go about actually growing a plant without my mom knowing? Preferably indoors. My room has PLENTY of light and is at a nice temperature all the time. I know you should soak them in clean water in the dark for 24 hours. I have no clue what to do from there though. Someone mentioned egg cartons? :peace:


Hey guys, I've been lurking around here for several weeks but not really posting, so I don't know if you'd consider me new or not. Anyway, I've got a few questions (that I'd like to keep private for obvious reasons), so if someone that really knows their shit would like to throw me a PM and take a crack at my problems, I'd really appreciate it :) I've searched and read day in and day out trying to find answers, but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information, so a straight answer from a known "expert" would be great :)

The Bushman

Hey guys, i am new to all this (except for a 6ft White Widow plant that i grew from seed a few years back). I have a few questions and a few pics that i will put up of my current grow once i find the right place to put it.

I look forward to chatting to you all and getting your feed back.


Well-Known Member
aye up everyone!how do i post a forum on here?i need help with my clones/cuttings.im going to put some pics on this page if i can.i got them from a friend about a week ago and ive been growing them ever since.the thing is that some of the tips on the leafs are goin a bit yellow and some curving round not curvin up or under.im growing in a grow tent 1.2 metre square with a 600watt hps with 12" oscalating fan with extractor at top with carbon filter.my medium is cann coco and im using canna feed a+b for nutrients.my ph is about 6.1 but ive just got it down to 5.6.i used vinegar to bring the ph down.will it be ok using vinegar?THANKSView attachment 902950View attachment 902951View attachment 902952View attachment 902953View attachment 902954View attachment 902955View attachment 902956View attachment 902957


Well-Known Member
aye up everyone!just need a bit of help with my clones/cuttings.i got these plants off a friend about a week ago and ive been growing them ever since then.the thing is the leafs tips are turning a bit yellow and some leafs curving round not curving down or up!im growing them in a 1.2metre grow tent with a 600watt hps with 12" oscalating fan with extractor fan at top with a carbon filter.they are only small plants and im feedin them only half strength nutrients for now.is it ok to only feed them half strength at first?my growing medium is canna coco and nutrients are canna feed a+b veg and bloom.im going to put some pics on of what there looking like.any help will do as this is my first time.my ph is 6,1 but ive brought it down to 5.6 using vinegar.will using vinegar be ok to bring ph down?THANKSView attachment 902958View attachment 902959View attachment 902960View attachment 902961View attachment 902962View attachment 902963View attachment 902964View attachment 902965View attachment 902966


people please be patient with me (momf) not only am i newbie i am pretty stupid when it comes to computers,but that not what i need help with,wife has cancer and i gotta do what i gotta do,i am new at this so any help would greatly be beneficial,been a smoker for 30 years and its time to be a farmer.bought me bible and started gathering supplies.thanx for any advice good or bad.momf
Hi everyone,
I have just started to flower my 5 snow white fem seeds in 18 ltr pots and using canna veg and flower nuwts also I have used root riot cubes, but I have been having problems from the start with the leaves. I am unsure if it is newt burn as I have only ever fed them a quater strengh soultion every 5 days or so and in between have just used filtered water and can't work out what my problem is.

The leaves have been turning brown at the edges on some which I have been just cutting off and now the tips are bending under on most of the leaves and starting to turn yellow, also on one I have found a small number of transparent spots????

The new groth is fine for about 3 days and then they start to do the same. also i think i have stunted growth. I'm sorry if this explaination is a bit scatty but its hard to describe exactly what is happening. does anyone have any suggestions???? I would be very pleased with any imput.
p.s all are showing white hairs and are all defo fems but only 3 are round about the same size and 2 are small compared to the rest. my light is a 600w hps. cheers.


Active Member
High everyone...!!! New member, love the site, and found this one to be more helpful. been doing this aeroponics for about 5 years would like to see how others who have successful aeroponics do theirs. There are so many ways to do it just like to pass ideas around with others who are as if not more successful in aeroponics. maybe some admins could point me in the direction of an aeroponics wizard.:)


Active Member
Just wanted to stop by and say hey. I'll probably do more reading than posting. Lots of interesting and helpful info for a first time grower like myself. Good to be here - thanks for having me. :)
Hey! Im new to this site and a new grower :) my friends dad accidentally started to grow a cannabis plant, he gave it to me and now my boyfriend and i are its new caregivers :) There are two plants in one pot. Theyre both about a foot to a foot and a half tall and seem to be healthy and growing. Once my boyfriend gets back into town, we are going to separate them and plant them near his home.

I just wanted to know if anyone has any good growing tips or just random knowledge that someone could throw at me, just to give me reassurance that im doing everything right..



hey im new... i been researching how to grow mj for the past 3 weeks now and have decided to finnally grow some
i have read most of the tutorials... and decided to do a low scale secret patch in a little cubboard about 1.5x1.5x2
using a homemade hydroponics wit flourescents

im not expecting much but can anyone give me an idea of my yield?


Active Member
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I have been watching the forums for awhile, but I just started posting today. This is my third indoor grow, so I'm not really a newbie, but I also still have alot to learn. I look forward to basking in the knowledge available on these forums!


hey im new... i been researching how to grow mj for the past 3 weeks now and have decided to finnally grow some
i have read most of the tutorials... and decided to do a low scale secret patch in a little cubboard about 1.5x1.5x2
using a homemade hydroponics wit flourescents

im not expecting much but can anyone give me an idea of my yield?
Absolutely not! there are WAY too many variables to predict any kind of yield. genetics, lighting, nutrients, temperature, maintenance, variations of strains and their phenotypes... the list goes on. However, you can try ordering from a seedbank, such as http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com it's a great, cheap,legit and discreet place to order. some of the listed seedbanks will provide a maximum indoor/ outdoor yield given via per strain- only in maximum climate conditions. Good luck with your grow. don't hesitate to ask any other questions.