Welcome New Members!


Active Member
i got the Hp kit an all that an i keep it between 6.5 an 7.5, im not growin in soil i got that water farm hydroponics shitt if that would make any difference on wat light i need,.. an i have no idea were 2 get cfl lights , also if you have any ideas why my plants leaves look like they are shriveling but they havnt died yet. heres a picture if it helps

it looks soooooo bad im bout 2 trash that shitt.....


I have a couple clones that are about 5 inches tall. For 12 hours of the day I have them under a MH light and for the other 4 hours I move them under some fluorescent lights. the reason is, the mother plant is in budding stage right now and is under the MH light. I've tried to grow why just the fluorescent lights but no success.

my question is why would 1 of the clones be showing female parts and the other not. They are pretty much on 16/8. Is it because the change of the type of light?


Active Member
I haven't done this in ten years so I consider myself a newbie again(finally have space). I will tell what I have and how its set up. Can you/anyone tell me what to look out for, change, general advice. I HAVE NOT STARTED BUT ITS ALL SET UP.

Please tell me if I posted in the wrong area and thanks for any help provided.

Location: Attic

room 1: Flower - demensions: 5'6" wide x 5 long x Height varies from 5'6" to 3', 3'6"(Attic)

Room 2: Veg - Same height as above but 4'W x 4'L

Room 3: Clone - Same as veg but 3' W x 3" L

All rooms are completely seperated(No light transfer)

Room set ups( Light medium etc)

Room 3:
Aeroponics 25 site cloner with no dome
Air stone installed
Clone gel and root juice
Ballast: 4' T12(2)
CO2 home made with yeast, sugar, water gallon jug

Room 2:
Medium or system yet(Advice)
Reflector: Growzilla dual light, max 2k
Mylar covered

Room 1:
Hydrofarm drip system 8 site
Aeroponics system 6 site
4' light rail
Relector - 2 x 6" cool tubes(Non rail one has 190 cfm fan from house to cool)
Ballast - 2 x 400watt hps/mh Lumateks
CO2 home made with yeast, sugar, water gallon jug
Fans - 2 x 190 cfm( both intake one through one of the reflectors one to circulate air)
Bulbs - 1 hps(Hortilux Super), 1 MH(Hortilux Blue)
Water chiller - 1/5 hp polar bear
Humidity gage
Air temp gage
Charcoal filter( Needs to be hooked up, Advice?)

flora base
flora grow
flora folwer
clone gel
rooot concentrate
Gallon of base, grow and bloom from local store

Meduims: Hydrocroton for aero, farm and clone plugs not rockwool but forget name

Low ryder: Easy ryder Dwarf( ak47 and lowryder 2) Fem

G13: poison Dwarf(NL 2 and Mexi Ruder)

Buddha: White Dwarf(Ruder and Indica) Fem

Joint Doctors: Diesel ryder( Soma Diesel 2 and lowryder 2) Reg

Dinafem: Blue widow( Haze skunk NL)Reg

DNA: La Women(?)Fem

DNA: Sour Cream(Sour diesel and g13 Haze)Fem

DNA: LA Confidential( OG LA Affie and Afghani) Fem

Let me know if other info I need to put for you to be able to help.

What room changes add ons?
What equip chnages adds?
What seeds to add and which to grow?
Nute help?
Clone and germ help please

Light schedule etc
Anything I missed

Schweet! Nice to meet you all! Cool board :) I'm happy to have found this place. It's 2:30am and I have not smoked for days! BUT today begins my 4 daze off in a row and I'm here to raise a toke to you all :)

... roll away,
... the dew

hell yea man right back at yea! In franklin's tower there hangs a bell...


Hey, new here just thought i would introduce myself. tryin some outdoor mj and thinkin of gettin into some indoor, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
hey snod, well considering half your garden is autoflowering dwarfs, you wont be cloning those..I like the strains you have chosen, so keep us posted how it goes as some of the autos you mentioned I am trying now, but want to try all eventually....


Hey all, first time grower here. My girl's are reaching for their 3rd month, first two and a half months under CFL's and now a 150w HPS. I'm currently just using potting soil, which I hate but I'm poor so I do what I can. Thanks for all the info so far, it's been way helpful. Keep green.

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
Hello, newbie here. I can't believe I spelled Callisto wrong when I signed up. Callisto is one of Jupiter's four moons that are visible (only two visible tonight) with a pair of binoculars. Check them out. Jupiter is the brightest object, looking east in the early evening and the distant-star-looking things right next to it are its moons. Enough about my moniker...

I was a stoner from Michigan back in the late 70s and early 80s. I joined the military where it was not wise to be a regular smoker. I blazed when I came home on leave and a few times when the opportunity presented itself while not on leave. There was a point three of four years into my 21 total that I almost went too far. I was popped on a pee test, and though we typically waited 4-6 weeks for those results, I immediately went downtown and had myself tested. That private test came back positive, so I was certain I was toast. Not so. After that scare, I stuck to a leave-only policy...pretty much.

I was stationed in Korea in '96 when I saw a documentary by Peter Jennings, bless his soul, about people that privately grow. Ever since then I wanted to try, but I've just never mustered enough courage to do it. I constantly fantasize about having been a pot farmer all these years and having grown the choicest herb. My current situation just doesn't really lend itself to the lifestyle, that is, kids and a wife that wouldn't be supportive. I can't blame her, it wouldn't be wise to sacrifice the pretty decent salary I draw. I'm retired from the military service now, but I work as a government employee, and would still be unable to smoke very often. As it is, it's been well over a year since I partook, though I still think about it all the time.

It was just about a month ago that I googled "marijuana buds" images. I filtered on large pictures only, and looked at every page of pictures that google offered. Then I began clicking on the associated links, and that's what brought me here. I became a member so I could see the pictures people posted. I loved Stink Bud's 'Pound every three weeks' instructional. He's big into med mj. I live in FL where they are considering putting med mj on the ballot. Should it become legal, maybe I could become a provider, if not a patient. I don't suppose the military in the legal states allows their members to be patients.

Anyway, glad to be here. Currently, I'm waiting for Dillweed's harvest in his Summer 09 grow journal. Check it out if you haven't already.


Hi ladies and gents. I'm getting ready to start up my own growing setup. Really excited about the prospects.. hoping to grow lowryder 2 in stealth-mode. I look forward to learning as I grow. :D Good day.


Well-Known Member
Relatively new here, been lurking, reading, and learning for about a year or so. Great site with some great people giving lots of very helpful information.I'm currently in my first semi-serious grow, all natural with nothing but the soil from my compost bin, only fertilized once and that was with regular plant food/lawn fertilizer, but not a weed and feed type fert. After reading up on it, I went and bought some Tiger Bloom hoping that may increase my yield and possibly speed things up as it is getting pretty cold at night up here.Still only low 50's and upper 40's at night so I think my babies should be ok. Thinking of moving them inside soon though.Babbling now so I'll settle down, just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks to everyone for all the informative and helpful posts. I'll try to get a pic or two up when I can but I don't own a digi camera so it may be a while, thanks again to everyone here.


Active Member
Hello everybody...Thought Id stop by and introduce myself. Just started getting serious about growing started looking online for a good forum and found you guys!! I have been reading this forum for a couple of months now. Between the grow journals and pics that everyone has on here I just had to register. I started a thread on growing sensi star clones indoor. Just looking for some advice about.....well just visit my thread and see for yourself. There is always great info on here and I just want to say thanks for all that and the advice I know I am soon to get.


Active Member
FNG; lurked for a bit to research, registered so I can see some pics of this and that.
Working on my card. User + caregiver = 12 'mature' plantings.
10 x 12 x 8 shed construction i/p so I can sow, reap, partake and fund my otherwise quiet existence.
I've got a mechanical dude who can orchestrate magic on the construction and a social dude who has unlimited needful contacts.
I'm leaning toward DWC to start; may change system once I've got some experiences under my belt.
Recommends/assistance welcomed and requested.
Sea of green may be in my future cards; I want to set it up right so the future changes are cheap and easy.