Welcome New Members!


hey i was wondering when would be a good time to transplant my seedlings outdoors its early april an the tempentures are getting higher an one of my good friends thats been growing for a while now told me it would be good to transplant like mid april an if yes how big should my seedling be if i started to grow it march 17 there about 2 inches tall with two sets of leafs meaning 4 leaf all together an its like 1'1/2 tall an i already have my spot outdoors ready to go its my first time ever growing so i am very new to all this its would be great if i could get help an i am living in the minnesota region thanks
Hello everyone. Just joined, and was overwhelmed by the plethora of useful information!!!! I'm just a middle aged (just crested the hill), middle class, work from home, stay home dad.
I can see this will not be as simple as throwing some seeds in a pot and plucking buds a few months later, but like my parents always said, "If you're going to do something, do it right"

I'm here because I am a smoker, and staunch supporter of legalization who has, like others here I've noticed, watched close family members suffer from diseases that might have benefited from the use of hemp. Let the learning begin!!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Just joined, and was overwhelmed by the plethora of useful information!!!! I'm just a middle aged (just crested the hill), middle class, work from home, stay home dad.
I can see this will not be as simple as throwing some seeds in a pot and plucking buds a few months later, but like my parents always said, "If you're going to do something, do it right"

I'm here because I am a smoker, and staunch supporter of legalization who has, like others here I've noticed, watched close family members suffer from diseases that might have benefited from the use of hemp. Let the learning begin!!
Well said shed .... and welcome to all.


Active Member
Hey everyone ya im a new guy hope im not in the wrong place, but any ways i am in the second week of flowering, but things are starting to look bad, some of the leave stems are pretty red, whats wrong and how can i fix it?

phil le b

Well-Known Member
yo peps i have done 1 crop on 2nd lot now and got more in veg and today i took my 1st lot of cuttings all good so far`but need all info i can get so help me out peps add me and check my pics out


Active Member
Hey everyone ya im a new guy hope im not in the wrong place, but any ways i am in the second week of flowering, but things are starting to look bad, some of the leave stems are pretty red, whats wrong and how can i fix it?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone ya im a new guy hope im not in the wrong place, but any ways i am in the second week of flowering, but things are starting to look bad, some of the leave stems are pretty red, whats wrong and how can i fix it?:wall:
post in new thread. put in some pics. good luck


Active Member
um yeah im new here lol.... even though i joined in oct 2006 lol.... anyway i have a question how to a post without replying to a prvious post... or is that even possible.... and dont comment on my user name.... i am not getting into a fight.... i am not law enforcement and if i was.... i would have chose a more inconspicuous name.....

so hi all and thanks for having me
if u dont want people to hassle u abt ur name why the hell did u call urself a snitch it is the worst possible name u cld use in here right up there with dope theif ???? dont understand why u wld call urself something so hated in here?? unless ur just keen on arguing with people or want people to hassle u?? :!::?:


Active Member
Total noob @ this. My plantss are 3 wks old and im running out of soil, didnt fill pot all the way with soil. theyre both about 7 in tall, should i start to veg bc im losing room?
Howzit space cowboy keep up the good work your babys r lookin premo 3 weeks old not bad mate for a 1st timer if ur going to split them it will be wise to do it sooner than later as the roots will grow in together and the longer u leave it the harder it will be.:clap:


Active Member
hye wassup im new here
umm how long am i suppose to keep cfl's on for on baby ladies?
you can have them on any where between 18 hrs on 6 off right up to 24/7 some people like to have there light on 24/7 but some also say they need a rest and its good to give them some dark hours. either way you can have good results.:weed:
sweet az and all the best of luck with ur up and coming plants!


Active Member
sorry for the double reply not sure why thats happening I think I did the same thing yesterday, I do know how annoying that can be having the same thing again and again so again I appoligize to you all keep up all the good work!!


hey i was wondering when would be a good time to transplant my seedlings outdoors its early april an the tempentures are getting higher an one of my good friends thats been growing for a while now told me it would be good to transplant like mid april an if yes how big should my seedling be if i started to grow it march 17 there about 2 inches tall with two sets of leafs meaning 4 leaf all together an its like 1'1/2 tall an i already have my spot outdoors ready to go its my first time ever growing so i am very new to all this its would be great if i could get help an i am living in the minnesota region thanks

I would wait till mid May to plant outside, you want the ground temperature to be higher than it is now. also you said your plants where about two inches tall? They should be about a foot tall by now, what strain are you growing and also are you keeping the inside emperature warm enough and what about water and light supply?

Good luck!
During Veg you should be using 24/7 light source .
A noob myself and at 4 weeks old my shortest was 9 inches and tallest was just at 12 inches tall. So i'm going by what i have learned thus far on a multitude of web sites.:bigjoint:


Howzit space cowboy keep up the good work your babys r lookin premo 3 weeks old not bad mate for a 1st timer if ur going to split them it will be wise to do it sooner than later as the roots will grow in together and the longer u leave it the harder it will be.:clap:
at three weeks old you are in Veg state , next will be sexing , then flowering!

transplant them into bigger pots and please give them some nice soil and lots of it!:leaf:


New to this 25 days in from seed...what now? any suggestions?
in at night out in day under sun, Aussie sun...how do they look?
no nutes just H2O....

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they need a better medium , there are No nutrients in that dirt at all...also take them out of the see thru cups, your confusing the roots. The root will strecth to seek the sun thru the cup , you need a darker cup and better soil. the plants should be alot bigger than this by now!I prefer growing inside that way i can control the light source and timing, just an idea!
But your plants look good !:weed:
hi everyone im from the usa, and i recently started trying to grow some nugget plants. i got the seeds from my dealer back home and they are about 3.5 inches tall i water them every 2 days i used some kind of soil my mom uses for her plants,house plants, and they seem to be doing fine. im not sure the wattage of my plant light is strong enough tho? would using the sun be a better idea?

1nf3rn0 n1nj4

Active Member
Hi all this is my first post and there are SO many questions. Well at least follow up questions so I may confirm ny learnings on this site and others.:spew:


Active Member
Wud up guys and gals. Here in Swampy Humid South Florida. Just started my first grow and just harvested. Came out like shit cause it didn't yield anything that was really worth it. I will try again and this time I'm going to use this forum as much as I should have for the first attempt. I'm still trying to figure out what happened the first time. Does anyone know if a huge Gnat infestation could have such a significant impact that it would lower my harvest yield significatly? Also wondering if maybe the strain is completely fucked since I got the clones from someone else that also hasn't been having such a great time with there plants lately. So many things to consider that went wrong and I'm really just trying to pin point it out since I'm starting up again at the begining of next week. (sorry for the horrible spelling).