Weirdest Devices


Well-Known Member
Im not talking about cool glass bongs. Im talking about when you and your homies are sittin around and someone has bud, but no one has a wrap, paper, or peice and a pop can just wont cut it, I have to say mine is a doll dimantled, cut and arranged so the limbs were the neck of the bong, and you hit the bowl out of the babies forehead, kind of demented looking but got the job done.


Active Member
We used a paper toilet roll and cut a square hole in the center and covered it back up with foil and poked holes in it and bam we made a steam roller, And the other thing we did one time at a party was my friends idea who used to be in prison and told us how he used to smoke in there, first all you do is make a fist and pack your weed where your thumb and index finger meet if that makes sense, then you just put your mouth on the bottom part of your fist around your pinkie and suck as hard as you can while lighting the other end but just light it so the bud cherry's and yes it burns but if you absolutely don't have nothing to smoke out of even cans then this idea will do the job.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
iv used a socket from my tool set just put foil over the end poke a few holes through it an suck on the other end sweet an easy lol


Active Member
made a pipe out my cig pack at the beach once, 4 chambered baby food jar bong in shop class, I drilled out a rock once, it was the size of my fist, really cool you could set down and it blended right in. The rock tasted like shit every time though and I had to chuck it


Active Member
At a hotel we didnt have anything to smoke from. So we used the bible they have in the night stand. Made a pretty good joint


Well-Known Member
Once, long ago i worked as a camp counselor, plenty of weed at the ready but nada to smoke from, used some pvc laying around for the plumbing system-stuck it in the lake and had a huge bubbler off the docks.


Back in high school my friends and I made a toy light saber into a water bong with the light on and everything!!! We tried Malibu rum instead of water, gave it a funny taste.
But once I was having a bad day at work, a local oil change place, we smoked out of a PVC valve for your engine it was new out of the package. Basicly it vents oil presure and is a one way valve, I must say it works very well.