Weird pheno i guess


Well-Known Member
1) PICTURE OF PLANT Down in replys
2) Growing indoor or outdoors Indoor 7ft grow tent
3) Watering schedule when the soil feels very dry just to the touch but im talking almost near wilting
two inches
4) Growing Medium CoCo Coir
5) What stage of growth veg and it was on the mother later into flower so idk


Well-Known Member
Lol, I feel you. I was thinking more along the lines smoking a cig and touching your leaves or smoking in the grow room.
I've done it:-(waaayyy back when I smoked cigs.


Well-Known Member
I had a plant do that even cuttings from normal looking leaf's on plant same thing happen, still grows just fine


Well-Known Member
i did have a backwood in the room out side my room
Nah, my bad. i wasn't insinuating that YOU in particular did it. I thought projectinfo was asking because of Tobacco Mosaic Virus(TMV).
I've never actually encountered it nor seen it.
lol, then I was saying I've smoked a cig or blunt while pruning my girls before in the past.
Nothing ever came of it tho.


Well-Known Member
Could be a number of things. low humidity,wind burn,catepillars, deficiency or lock out, ph issue..etc. I know this doesn't answer your question.:-|