Week 5 of bloom and barely any bud WTF ( plenty of pics )


Active Member
well im in week 5 of flower and i thought i would have buds by now but its still mainly a bunch of stray white pistils is this normal the strain im growing is big bang from green house seed lighting is 400 watt hps i thought this was an indica strain so i included pics of some leaves my other plant the church from green house seed also is right on track with nice buds forming am i just going to have to wait or do you think something is wrong? from what i hear big bang is a 10 week strain if thats true my plants really need to hurry the fuck up at this rate its looking more like 15 weeks.......thanks any input,help or advice IMG_0255.jpgIMG_0253.jpgIMG_0250.jpgIMG_0251.jpgIMG_0258.jpgIMG_0259.jpgIMG_0261.pngIMG_0260.jpgIMG_0249.jpg

DUBS Doobious

Active Member
You forgot to give us one critical detail.
Nutrients my man, what NUTRIENTS are you using?
also. soil or soil-less medium?
we cant help you if we don't have details.

but until you reply with that info.
what these other kind people said is pretty right on.
good luck


Active Member
wow ok for nutes im using grow,micro,bloom,big bud and bud candy no outside light gets in during the dark period the temps are pretty bad no ac and its been a hot summer usally mid 80's and im counting 5 weeks from when i change my lights from 12/12 and im growing in regular amended soil nothing to fancy i hope this info helped out some

DUBS Doobious

Active Member
Well you seem to have everything in check,
good call on using Advanced Nutrients.
no wonder you didn't include that info in your first post.
With those nutes, fertilizers are at the bottom of your list of possible problems.
Might I suggest increasing the co2 in your growing environment.
good luck
DUBS out.


Active Member
yeah i figured that probably had alot to do with it i really need a portabale ac but man they are expensive do you know if the high temps will hurt my yield at all or just delay harvest time


Well-Known Member
yield will suffer a little bit, along with fluffier buds but you should still get some really good smoke. Mid 80's is fine, it's when you get up in the 90's with no added co2 that problems start occuring.


Active Member
yeah this past week we caught a heat wave and temps were in the 90's the whole week it hurt to look at my plants in that heat but i got a good fan blowing on them so i think in the end things will be ok im gonna look into some co2 and pick up some rhino skin to help with the heat stress thanks for all the help guys i gotta hit the sack its 3:00am here lol im a night owl......peace


Active Member
get a fan, continue with your nutes as you are and start your count from first signs of sex that should take you back a few weeks and set you on schedule. good luck with the rest of your grow man


Well-Known Member
Looks like a problem I had, a few months back. I used my veg fert during the beginning of flowering, used a bit too much, and gave them too much nitrogen. That, was the result. Mine looked exactly the same, growing more foliage than bud. I lost alot of yield, half or more.
Flowering starts when the sex shows. Not when you change the light cycle. Looks normal to me after 5 weeks of 12/12, it usually takes 1-2 weeks just to show signs of sex. One thing I have learned over my few years of doing this is you need a crap load of patience!! As much as we want to we cant rush the process. Its a plant, give it water, air, and light and it will grow like any other..o ya and 80 degree temps are no problem...