weed = bad for u


New Member
hrmmm i didnt know dat!? omgzzz

ok if i take a bud and use another delivery system that is inserted into the rectum (rectal suppository), vagina (vaginal suppository) or urethra (urethral suppository), it wouldnt = bad nomo ??

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
well inhaling any smoke of any type is bad for your lungs. maybe the benefits of thc and cbd help with making it less bad? if you orally ingest or vaporize it would be less harmful to your lungs.


Well-Known Member
Yep, this gets put out there every once and a while. A couple interesting points:

* Although there are several factors identified relating to lung cancer, there has not as of yet been any link made (http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=410634). In several studies lung cancer risks were actually shown to decreasewith smoking marijuana (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070417193338.htm)

*vaping and edibles have not yet been shown to have any long-term risks (other than some brain chemistry changes that have not been shown to be unhealthy).
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At the end of the day, we all have to accept that we are using our body to consume a substance, which would not otherwise enter our body that frequently or in that quantity to get a sensory experience. I, agree with the trade off here, and suggest that it is better for me than drinking alcohol. If it is not however, I don`t give a damn. Its simply worth it to catch that buzz, and feel awesome... No need to declare it good or bad for you :)

Also as always:

These case-series reports suggest that marijuana may play a role in the development of human respiratory cancer. Without a control group, however, the effect of marijuana use on cancer risk cannot be estimated, nor can the potentially confounding effect of tobacco and other risk factors be controlled.
So all in all take it with a grain of sand, preferably the type of sand that gets you ROLLING :-P

Also I don`t need to hear from them how smoking is bad for my lungs. I mean cheers for reminding me and all lol


Active Member
I'm sure the effects of smoking pot inst as harmful as the artificial sweeteners found in 99% of the shit u eat... Unless you eat all organic .. you eat sweeteners, they're in everything.. .. and a lot have been found to give lung tumors to lab mice..


Well-Known Member
That study is from 1997 and we all should know by now that smoking anything that is on fire is bad fora person


Active Member
nah. I bet 99.99% of all pot smokers or smokers and most adults in general can't breath properly anyways. You supposed to inhale deeper so the smoke concentration is distributed throughout the whole lungs instead of being chambered in chest level -alot of the cancer sites are actually at chest level btw. You inhale deeper by drawing from your belly like a balloon. Don't heave the chest. During exhaling, your belly supposed draw inwards to thoroughly purge the spent air out like squeezing the bellows handle. This how newborns breathe. This is the Shaolin and yogi way of breath.


Well-Known Member
hrmmm i didnt know dat!? omgzzz

ok if i take a bud and use another delivery system that is inserted into the rectum (rectal suppository), vagina (vaginal suppository) or urethra (urethral suppository), it wouldnt = bad nomo ??
i bet if i stuffed a jar of Grandaddy purp up ur ass you would be begging for more...lol


Well-Known Member
The article is talking about smoking it. Of course if you smoke anything, it won't be healthy. But now what if your vaporizing? Because I rarely smoke weed, I just dab. :-P


Active Member
does water filtration help much , i mean ad love to switch to medibles but i love smoking , i think its a problem :D


Filtering the smoke through water, by using a water pipe, bubbler, etc... Does not fully remove all of the chemicals that are harmful to your lungs, but does significantly decrease them and lowers the temperature of the smoke, which in my opinion; extremely hot smoke is even more harmful that the chemicals, due to the fact that it will burn and or damage the soft tissues in your lungs.

Of course there are going to be negative affects when inhaling any form of smoke, but the pro's of smoking marijuana greatly outweigh the con's.


Well-Known Member
I remember back when there was a test that showed the Marijuana caused brain damage.
What they did was boil pot and enject it into the brain, then they opened up the skull and sure enough there
was proof the brain did get harmed, it got burned


Active Member
I remember back when there was a test that showed the Marijuana caused brain damage. What they did was boil pot and enject it into the brain, then they opened up the skull and sure enough there was proof the brain did get harmed, it got burned
:lol: i d k why they speculate so much on something they have never proved , for about 20 years its always been .... "it may cause cancer but there is no proof yet" , but something that causes cancer (amongst other things) like sigs and boos get all the gov luv , its got to be the taxes from the medical bills . ama keep smoking my bong ....


Well-Known Member
Nowadays just about anything will kill ya..
From the meat in your burgers ..to the sugar in your sado ..all the way down to the air you breathe...

The key is to keep yourself healthy ... keep your mind healthy ...
Some people may hate there life .family. or job.. and being in a bad state of mind will kill you way faster than anything else...

Personally i try to stay very active..hiking , biking , playing sports, working out on a daily basis...
And im very content and happy with my ambitions and situation...
All these things are key for succesful living...
In order to live a long prosperous life..

Nothings wrong with living a little.... u could die any minute .. in a car accident...
So feel free to live and max on your desires,,,

My problem is i smoke so many blunts im afraid the tabacoo will kill me off before the weed in it...

Long time hyphy ..were ya been...?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Did you actually bother to read this? The sentence I copied below tells you this is bullshit science only created for the government NiDA paycheck to be used as propaganda. They didn't separate out the tobacco users. Yeah smoking marijuana is terrible for you and will cause all the effects of Tobacco if you mix it with Tobacco. I don't believe smoking this overtime is good for you but I think we need reputable, non-biased, longitudinal research that can be replicated by others. There are other markers for bullshit in there but read it yourself.

Bronchoscopic findings: visual appearance and microscopic alterations in bronchial wall biopsies
Bronchoscopy was performed in 53 NS, 40 MS, 31 IS, and 44 MTS who participated in the LosAngeles study (Fligiel et al. in press; Gong et al. 1987) to ascertain whether regular smoking of marijuana with or without tobacco might cause damage

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
anyone who thinks they can inhale the smoke from plant material on a regular basis and not damage there lungs is in denial or deluded , everything in moderation is the key .


Well-Known Member
"Bronchoscopic findings: visual appearance and microscopic alterations in bronchial wall biopsies
Bronchoscopy was performed in 53 NS, 40 MS, 31 IS, and 44 MTS who participated in the LosAngeles study (Fligiel et al. in press; Gong et al. 1987) to ascertain whether regular smoking of marijuana with or without tobacco might cause damage"

Shit if you just live in LA your gonna have bad lungs from just breathing the air!!!!!!!