Webbers PC grow!


Well-Known Member
Damn man, that sucks. Is there any reason why they go out so much?
well theres lots of forest out here so when it snows the branches eventaully fall off, but lots of the time they hit electrical lines and they turn out the power :(


Well-Known Member
one died on me today, wasnt surprised i dont no why :peace: but w.e theres barely enough space for one, hopefully my brother moves his shit soon


Well-Known Member
Picture time! lets start with MY baby, I took a wiff of this one before taking a picture, it reaks of skunk ass - no joke


as you can see, nice broad leafs :D


short, but damn it packs one hell of a punch.
now my brothers mystery sex plant lol:

Now its been growing alot, because I cut a hole in the box supporting it so now its dropped down about 3 lights, I think thats reall helped (I dropped mine down abour 1.5 inches)


dont let the quality of this picture fool you, all the leafs are going yellow, suggestions? im guessing its either lack of nitrogen or water, my babys doing perfectly fine tho :D

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
could need repotting? how big is that pot and how long it been init? well done so far and happy growing. check my journal if you get time (page 20 for latest bud pics)


Well-Known Member
yup. im going to have to agree, its been in that pot for a long time, my baby needs a new pot too. the water holes have roots starting to come out of them


Well-Known Member
Picture time! lets start with MY baby, I took a wiff of this one before taking a picture, it reaks of skunk ass - no joke


as you can see, nice broad leafs :D


short, but damn it packs one hell of a punch.
now my brothers mystery sex plant lol:

Now its been growing alot, because I cut a hole in the box supporting it so now its dropped down about 3 lights, I think thats reall helped (I dropped mine down abour 1.5 inches)


dont let the quality of this picture fool you, all the leafs are going yellow, suggestions? im guessing its either lack of nitrogen or water, my babys doing perfectly fine tho :D
You mean you hope it packs a punch? Or you mean its really starting to give off smell, How long has it been vegging for? Looks like it def needs a bigger pot like learning said. Learning has some lovely looking ladies.

In your space, you can probably only get away with one decent size girl huh? Just grow her out, and flower a little earlier if your concerned about space. Its looking good, but it is going to get much bigger when it flowers. Probably twice to 3 times that size. They really get big during flowering.

But your well on your way. My two biggest ones are on there second set of leafs, and the biggest one has 2 on each side starting right under the 2nd set of leafs. So they are doing really good. But they have optimal lighting. So they are happy, so very happy! Gonna start giving some veg nutes in 3-4 days, then when I flower I will beging bloom nutes, to get potent big buds. Hopefully I will have pics for you during xmass, I will let you know.

Keep up the grow bro!

Puff..Puff...Passes it to you


Well-Known Member
yeah, the one that smells alot is the youngest one, the day after i took the pictures it grew so much, i should take some more tonight, thanks for the comments guys! if only i can get rid of my brothers plant


Well-Known Member
the only problem is that i dont want to repot until my brother takes his out (hopefully soon) but these guys are repairing all the damage and what not, looks like their finishing up tho only time will tell


Well-Known Member
Got any updates coming soon? They should be well along. Mine are coming great, The biggest is starting his 3rd set, and the 2nd set is in full, with 2 leafs branching out under the second set. Its looking really good. Then the next biggest is basically the same thing, but the 3rd set leafs are just starting, to where the biggest has its 3rd set at a decent size.

Yours should getting big now huh? You gonna give it any nutes for veg? Or blooming?

You actually said a few showed sex right, so are they developing any buds yet? That would mean they are in flower, and you could give it bloom nutes


Well-Known Member
I transplanted them both, the first transplant I did just fine, the second one not so much, but it looks like its going to be ok, the only reason the transplant was hard was because the roots were EVERYWHERE I shouldve transplanted earlier, oh well


Well-Known Member
heres my babe

heres my brothers

and one more of mine, you can see one of the leafs is half yellow, looks kinda cool :P


Well-Known Member
Yup, they are coming along nice. Mine are catching up. The biggest 2 are on there 3rd set/node, and its only the end of the 2nd week going. I am growing with a 250WHPS, and 2 Shoplights. So they are getting big fast. I probably will be flowering around xmass or a few days after.

Yours is looking great. getting nice and full, keep it up

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yer looking good dude, u would cover the sides and bottoms of those clear pots as roots dont like light, also get ur bros plant outa ther and enjoy urs :P


Well-Known Member
Roots are fine with light you just might get a little mold. Both times I used clear they were fine I just saw green spots. Took plant out to tranplant and It was only on the walls. I also read a journal sometime ago where someone did some testing and roots with light were not affected. But just t play it on the safe side if u can get non clear pots that's better


Well-Known Member
as you can see its a 2l coke bottle bottom haha, il tape it later.

power went out again while the lights were suppose to be on (i have them in 12/12 now) these power outages are really messing up my light cycle


Well-Known Member
my plant has a strange thing going on.

that top leaf thats exactly HALF yellow is pretty weird, but even weirder is every leaf coming out of that stem is all yellow lol