We have to be realisitic here..(legalization of marijuana)


Well-Known Member
I'm not even sure if I want it legalized by a corrupt and clearly inefficient political system......They can't do shit right.....What on earth makes anybody think they will handle legalization of Cannabis any better?????

Now if they were to say allow total freedom of the plant and the people who choose to use it I'm all for that....But we all know that is not how it is going to happen....Nope before you know it we will be neck deep in red tape and paying through the nose for the privilege of using the plant.....Fuck em all I say leave me and the plant alone completely......
Same old story aye, not going to happen unless they can control the distribution and tax of it. Just like alcohol. Just to have or make alcohol is fine, however drink it in public or try and sell it without a license and yer effed.

1. Kill OP
2. ???
3. Profit
^^^^WIN! LOL!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, you go and take down that system you hero you. It would be entertaining to read about in the news "thugs pulls gun on cop and is shot dead" result haha