
Well-Known Member
everyones broke in this recession,ask ppl for money:-P
I missed this man...The first thing i did when i heard about a reccesion was start cloning and builiding until i couldnt build anymore and im still not happey. I think im going to reant a small house and set that up like a grow.

afterall its a recession.


Active Member

Day 26 - TW,OOG,PBK

Day 21 - WR,MS

Whats good all? been a couple days since i updated haha, everything is lookin fine, goin according as plan so far, a lil behind but im not complaining :D Will be toppin here in the next couple days, i want to top em all around the same time, i jus like to do things evenly, so a couple need to catch up. There realling starting to drink a good amount of water, i toped off the rez and added a crushed nute tab into a bottle i use to fill the AG. its a day early, and from what i can see my ladys been wanting em, i almost added a nute tab like two days ago, i can tell when they need to feed but i didnt want to over do it, but now i think i should have, i'll let yall help me out wit that. I raised the lights as well, i going to put the AG hood up a lil higher than my two clamp lights, i think there were kinda burnin some tips of the leaves but not too bad even that bad at all haha :bigjoint:

Pic 1. From left to right is the OOG and the TW, things are gettin bushy around here so this is the only good shot i can get of em both, on top the TW is covering like half of the OOG, thing will even out after the Topping. The TW is lookin good, again they all are lookin hungry, she had a lil bit of burt tips and fan leaf, and in the middle of one too, but not that big, jus a lil spec, i added the nutes afraid of wakin up tommorrow and those specs even bigger! The OOG is still bushing out, lookin good, no spots or nothin.

Pic 2. Starting off from the back left (if you can even seee) down to the bottom left then to the right haha is the WR, PBK, and the MS. Again gettin bushy so this is a good side shot followed by a top view, couldnt do this in pic 1 due to the TW cover most of the OOG ahaha, but the WR is almost doin the same thing, there growin really fast. On the new growth of the WR there is a lil discoloring and yellowing of the leaves, im sure its the PH of the water, so another reason i added the nutes cause i aint got a PH tester. The Ms is starting to bush out as well, she id fillin up. And last is my recovering baby the PBK, she is getting her color back and comin along nicely, again my favorite strain, i got some reg Bubba Kush seeds so i'll still be able to try and grow this lovely strain.

Here is my Light set up so far

plants are lukn dapper...damn wish my babies luked az gud....shyyt....gotz to keep tryn......nice grow bro!


Active Member
for the dumb fucc that cant fuccn read .....I said that his areogarden looks very healthy and I wished my clones looked as nice....next time u cant read my fuccn reply....... instead of givn me sum anonymous comment...tell me straight up! dont be scared...lil byyyyutch


Well-Known Member
for the dumb fucc that cant fuccn read .....I said that his areogarden looks very healthy and I wished my clones looked as nice....next time u cant read my fuccn reply....... instead of givn me sum anonymous comment...tell me straight up! dont be scared...lil byyyyutch

chill bro,prob some lil punk


Well-Known Member
wtf who, the only shit i said was to you when you kept sayin stupid shit, they deleted there comment or what?

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
for the dumb fucc that cant fuccn read .....I said that his areogarden looks very healthy and I wished my clones looked as nice....next time u cant read my fuccn reply....... instead of givn me sum anonymous comment...tell me straight up! dont be scared...lil byyyyutch
heres the quote


Well-Known Member
haha im high as fus and lost, idk wtf is goin on, whatever it is, dont bring that shit in my thread


Well-Known Member
hey SICC, I use Aeroponics for cloning. When the roots touch the res I add an airstone......just something about sitting water I can't stand!