Warning: Nirvana Seeds Wont Sprout!!!!


Well-Known Member
so what's the verdict??? is it worth me ordering some nirvana seeds to ship to the US for my next grow?


yeah but honestly man i hear alot of bad things about nirvana!! i have really never heard anyone praise them like they have other reputable seed stores...maybe thats a sign that they have patchy customer service... on top of that.. your right thousands of people have ordered from them.. they are arguably one of the largest most recognized seed sites on the net....to me that means the feds are probably on to them and activly trying to stop them from importing to the us... less of a chance for your seeds to arrive safley!!! i would do research and order from a smaller seed site...


Well-Known Member
I mean no disrespect to anybody in this thread or to the OP of the thread but Damm guy's,does anybody notice a pattern here with all this seed bank bashing,every thread is always the same,its all the seed banks fault.

Does anybody pick up the phone & talk to the company that sold them the product when there is a problem before they write scathing threads accusing the supplier of being dishonest,or even go over their grow to see if they coulda fuked something up their self before accusing the company of foul play.

I gotta give respect for the OP giving up the info that he may of screwed up his own seeds but can anybody see where im comming from with this,in the time it takes to get all pissed off,then write a negative thread & answer all the posts in the thread, a phone call to the supplier could have straightned shit out,the right way,and most likely got some free goodies along with replacement seeds.

None of these guys are out to rip anybody off,their making a flat out killing on selling seeds,they want you to be happy so you'll buy again,not walk away mad.


Well-Known Member
well noted my friend, but in this case the number to nirvana is a european phone call, which for some, is not possible without some diffuculty.

i now have 4 of the widows alive and well!! the jock horors came about 5 days ago, and i have 4 of those as well already in the dirt!! the jock seeds were spotted like i've never seen before, they looked pretty cool. the germ ratio for nirvana seeds when done properly is amazing. i've yet to personally grow a breeded plant so im excited about these. i decided to aquire another armoire in case i get a male widow or a male jock. i will pollinate another female of yet to be determined origin, for seeds. fuck it i paid for em, might as well get my $$$ worth! right?!

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
check ur self bro..i never said they were solid, i said all 5 germed and i recommend any bank with that kind of progress, however seeds will not sprout post speaks 4 it self
If the seeds Germinated(Cracked open) but didn't come up out of the soil, then difficulty is with the PEBCAK. Old computer technician lingo. Means: Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard!

That soil is WAY too dry for those newly germinated seeds to come up!! Can't believe noone spotted that before.


Well-Known Member
well i just got my jock horror, a few of them cracked so i planted them I HOPE I HAVE MORE LUCK THAN YOU.

a lot of ppl have been saying shit about nirvana and how their seeds are small and immature..... its making a bit nervous.

then again i see other grow journals where some ppl have 10 out of 10 seeds be FEMALE (not buying fem'd seeds just luck of draw)

so really i guess its luck. i read some ppl on here where the seeds DONT hatch at all, and ZERO out of 10 survived. lol. i guess there are extreme cases to every situation.


Active Member
I`m a first-timer currently growing Nirvana WW, and I had 9/10 sprouts - the best rate amongst the seeds I had.
From what I`ve learned, you can tell to some extent how good your seeds are by looking at the colour and blancness in your seeds.

In this first pic, the seeds are to immature, hence the green colour:

Next pic, the seeds are dark and pale with some cracks in them. These seeds has probably been stored more than 2 yrs and is likely to have a bad germrate:

Next pic is of some healthy seeds, the ones on the left are from last year, on the right is this years crop:

HTH!! :peace:


Active Member
I was thinking of gettin' some white widow from nirvana, but they get mixed reviews, has anyone tried them and if they have how well did they grow/smoke and were they easy to grow?


Well-Known Member
OLD AS BALLS thread, but for the hell of it i ordered my Nirvana Seeds 2 weeks ago, and BINGO! they came! 3rd times a charm. I've ordered from 2 other seed banks, weedfarmer.com and hempdepot.com and never got even a letter from them, NIRVANA came through in the clutch! thanks y'all!


New Member
I had ordered AK48 from gypsy nirvana and all where bad (small gray never sprouted). He will not help in any way. So I saw the seeds came in a Nirvava seed pack sooo I went to there site not thinking I would get seeds just letting them know the gipser was selling bunk in there name. Well the junk I bought from the gipster and he told me to fag off (rude sob) but Nirvana sent me 10 AK48 fems for the jurks nonfem nonsprouting crud and the seeds are brown and look great. I call that service and I call BS on the gipster!


New Member
Ok I put two AK48 fem seeds from nirvana in wet paper towels in a clear glass and in one day both poped. Ill post back and let you know if they grow.