Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

It's 8:46am and it's time to get my day started with a good old fashion bong rip! Blue Dream with about a 3 month cure... Might actually rethink leaving my bed, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hawaii, hawaii, hawaii, Dr. G, damn I miss you.... as I'm out shoveling ice I think of you.....
I miss da doc too.. The guy gave me some seeds but wasn't around to see the final product! I have a feeling we'll see him again though..

[video=youtube;sonYFxHHvaM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sonYFxHHvaM[/video] maybe this will bring him back :)


Well-Known Member
I miss da doc too.. The guy gave me some seeds but wasn't around to see the final product! I have a feeling we'll see him again though..

[video=youtube;sonYFxHHvaM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sonYFxHHvaM[/video] maybe this will bring him back :)
the final product was incredible.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Happy Sunday bakers!

Take a little trip while I head to the gym this AM.

Have a good day!!



Well-Known Member
good morning buds and budettes…early morning ultrasound appt…7:15…..so have to leave house at 6:15…i will be baked before I leave the driveway...


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Monday so your just 5days from the next weekend. Hash plant and coffee to start my day. My friend that just got home Friday from back surgery Friday is up and walking around almost like normal. I don't think he will need me at all in a few days. You all have a great Monday.


Well-Known Member
OG Kush & giant cup of Godiva hazelnut cream coffee on this chilly morning.

Most of the weekend I've been working on a genealogy family tree/history book plus a photo album of her father's childhood photos for a christmas gift to my niece. It's time consuming but a labor of love plus I love doing all the research. I love history so discovering my own family history has been eye opening and fascinating. Keeps me interested for hours on end reading all the info and digging around.

Time to get some things done that I slacked off on this weekend, hope you all have a great Monday :)


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Space dawg and coffee to start my day. I took my friend to the V.A. To get his RX filled what a fucking Zoo. We have to go back to get them today. It should go faster he just has to pick them up. They would not let me drop them off and pick them up he had to go. This old man has to be one of the strongest guys I've ever known. He pushes him self every day. It inspires me to do the same and I'm going to start right after my nap. Lol. You all have a great day


Well-Known Member
Mornin'...still snowing here and today I must drive in it. So glad that youtube has all the concert footage I was too young to see live.

Ozzie...lol...think this song was referring to a different type of snow:


Happy day all!


Well-Known Member
Morning fellow bakers!

Up early this morning to give my son a ride to work cause his car is in the shop. So I waited til I got back from dropping him off to have some tasty Godiva coffee and I am trying out some new stuff I have never tried/heard of.

I have Fire OG, Cherry Kush & Pineapple Dogshit! Never tried any of these so right now I am testing out Pineapple Dogshit and I have a buzz after approximately 4 tokes off this lovely joint. :joint: It may have a slightly off "odor" just a hint, it seems to mostly be skunkish with a hint of sweet/fruity. Has a nice flavor, I don't know what dog shit tastes like so I can't say if it resembles that but it does again have a skunk/hint of sweet flavor with a sour undertone. I laid it down after four tokes to see if I was stoned and I was. I've retrieved it now from the ashtray and continued to hit it and it's got great potential for couch lock if you didn't keep yourself busy and occupied. I mostly feel relaxed and creative so I am going to work on some more presents for christmas. Gotta get up and get busy or I will be snoring and drooling on the couch.

I give it a two thumbs up, definitely great buzz. I would suggest it as an evening smoke as it is very relaxing.

Here's a little bud pornage:

photo.jpgphoto (1).jpg

[video=youtube;3CSXEkcrMrU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CSXEkcrMrU&list=PLgJguO6WRcN1YNCzcVhIjmgh KkDNhL9qL[/video]


Well-Known Member
Morning all!
Starting the day with some cannabutter and coffee, then putting up christmas lights outside, let's see how long this takes...



Well-Known Member
Morning all!
Starting the day with some cannabutter and coffee, then putting up christmas lights outside, let's see how long this takes...

got the same thing going over here :weed:, just finished buttering the crap outta my bagel with some hashbutter & the coffee is just about done.. #cheer$ #wakenbake:hump: