Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
That is really a good idea....You stood in for Rick yesterday with the lawn/driveway problem..thank you again. btw, the homeowners insurance will cover the whole thing. They will go after the crazy mans insurance co first and if he is uninsured they will pay...so it will be fixed.

Rope ... Hmmmm

So you like being tied up..?

I'm opening a new Business .. Im going to be a "Stand In Hubby"".. Women can rent me by the hr .. to take care of the chores hubby's cant...


Well-Known Member
That is really a good idea....You stood in for Rick yesterday with the lawn/driveway problem..thank you again. btw, the homeowners insurance will cover the whole thing. They will go after the crazy mans insurance co first and if he is uninsured they will pay...so it will be fixed.

Not a problem.... NEXT ................................


New Member
Good, I'm glad you got things worked out Sunny, that no fault on property damage sounds like a crock of crap. Lazy cops not wanting to do their jobs or something.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I still don't understand how it works. I went to my insurance guy yesterday and he was very kind and attempted to explain it to me, I didn't understand....The local deputies in my area are lazy and crooked....they found a shit load of bodies dumped in a swamp last year....they were killed and dumped by our local boys....they scare me.

Good, I'm glad you got things worked out Sunny, that no fault on property damage sounds like a crock of crap. Lazy cops not wanting to do their jobs or something.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you will see some orbs at the penn.
I think that shit is so cool. When I move back to Md. that is on my list of must do's.


Well-Known Member
Sounds gross... how does it smell?:blsmoke:
What are you.. some sort of fucking nut...DO I look like a pretzel to you...fuck me I can barely bend over enough to see my cock...
when's the last time you had a good beating...I'd say you're about due... :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Thats just fucking gross... I'd kick it out the door ...Maybe you should get a dog to lick it up after the cat pukes..

Morning all, sorry about your cat puke troubles Twisty, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one with those kinds of problems.
Could be worse.. I had to look after mother when she lost her mind to altzheimers(sp?) That was SCARY stuff left on floor..... so did that fuck up all your breakfasts..

Good morning everyone.
Wake n Bake
I have a puker in my house too. I am going to start putting signs up...I hate when I am half a sleep and 'splat'....ruins the morning for me.

Whats grim is COLD puke when you're half asleep.......:-?

And then he came to bed and licked your face right ... ewwwwwwwwwwwww gross ..
Right after licking their asshole........ :evil:

I'm counting down days for pets too. We've already decided no more. I've saved all 5 from the streets and can't adopt anymore. I found out I'm allergic to cats, but won't give them away, have to ride it out. I love my kitties but sometimes I want to strangle them.
I feel you. I know. I rescued all mine too. I am just tired, but, I will ride it out until the end. No more when they are gone. I fantasize what it would be like to wake up and only have to take care of myself. Kids are gone, husband is gone, waiting on the pets to be gone.
The guy next door died and they were going to put him down..but seeing as I'd already cat sat for him once I knew the cat was real cool..he is an amazingly smart cat..and funny as hell..talks all the time..every time you touch, look at or even walk by he meows..:eyesmoke:

Good, I'm glad you got things worked out Sunny, that no fault on property damage sounds like a crock of crap. Lazy cops not wanting to do their jobs or something.
Screw that fix someone else's crap.........:roll:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you will see some orbs at the penn.
I think that shit is so cool. When I move back to Md. that is on my list of must do's.

we are doing the Day tour and the haunted house tour at night .. we will be taking lots of pictures and video...Im pumped .. Im doing the haunted house with some fungus


Well-Known Member
Twisty you have such a great way with words. You articulate yourself in a way that anyone can understand, I love it.

I am referring to this:
What are you.. some sort of fucking nut...DO I look like a pretzel to you...fuck me I can barely bend over enough to see my cock...
when's the last time you had a good beating...I'd say you're about due... :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I am ready and longing for 30 degree mornings...the smell of hay and oats in the barn, the wood burning in the fireplace...just that 'cold' smell all around. Ahhhh, now I am day dreaming and not working....again.

I will not get one trick or treater....NEVER do here.