Vinegar to lower pH in a DWC bubbler


Active Member
Is vinegar a bad idea to use in a DWC bubbler to lower water pH? The water at my house is around 7.3pH. I've heard that vinegar is fine to use for soil but haven't heard anything about it in a DWC. I've also read that vinegar breaks down fast. Would it be better to just use pH down?


Well-Known Member
Don't use it but in an extreme emergency. I wouldn't use it for soil either.

Most hydro nutes are buffered.


Well-Known Member
I've heard not to use it, but I did for awhile.(soil) I had no problems, but I switched to lowering solution just incase


Well-Known Member
You CAN use it, but you want to make sure its triple distilled white vinegar only. Other forms of vinegar can have a bacteria that causes slime to quickly develop. PH minus is cheap and any hardware store has it, they use it for hot tubs also and pools.


Well-Known Member
ive heard you can use nitric acid and/or phosphoric acid to lower the ph because when they break down they leave nitrogen and/or phosphorous available to the plants to use as nutes. you just have to be very careful how much you use. Can anyone correct me if im wrong?