Urgent please help! Life at stake!


Well-Known Member
that fuckin sucks try to over water it a little and see what happens
i wouldnt over water it..then thats gonna start more issues.if it does correct itself on its own..you wont know cause its overwatered..and the first sign of overwatering is the leaves droop..just like that.it would be better to just return its evironment back to what it was before all this happened.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt over water it..then thats gonna start more issues.if it does correct itself on its own..you wont know cause its overwatered..and the first sign of overwatering is the leaves droop..just like that.it would be better to just return its evironment back to what it was before all this happened.
stressed plants grow shotty after the rough conditions it could dramaticly screw the plant, toss that thing out and start over with happy healthy plants.