Upload Denied?


Anyone else having this problem? I've tried to upload my pics as an attachment to a thread for a few hours, and everytime I receive a msg saying that the upload has been denied? All pics are within requirements & I've never had this problem before? Any suggestions or is this a system error?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Anyone else having this problem? I've tried to upload my pics as an attachment to a thread for a few hours, and everytime I receive a msg saying that the upload has been denied? All pics are within requirements & I've never had this problem before? Any suggestions or is this a system error?
Am I the only one experiencing this? I've ensured the picture size was within requirements. Thnx.
I'm having the same problem.
I will forward this to the admin.
Awesome, thanks.
Yep - System wide problem it seems. Impacting my thread as well.
I was having the same problem, try just 2 pictures instead, it works for me.


Active Member
I tried two and even just one pic at a time and it still did not work. Are any of the admins aware of this issue?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yes, there are many problems to work out. Things are improving, please be patient.



Well-Known Member
If it helps at all, I recieved a new error message a few minutes ago:
"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
For god's sake, don't do anything that could be misconstrued as complaining! This site is absolutely perfect and if anything went awry it must have been your fault. Oh and 'Please inform the administrator' does not actually mean to inform the administrator, but rather just wait around for something to happen and just be glad you're able to have access. :mrgreen:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Ohhh noooooooo, not some negative rep! lol loser Afraid to leave your name?

Hehehe ... let me add some more for ya. Dem apples