Under Current 16 plant 2400w Canadian medical grow Journal


Active Member
Yeah. I got the slime and then I got a little agro and basically shocked my plants with physian and bleach they just sat there for two weeks doing nothing so I pulled it. Prior to that though I was having deficiency problems. I'm not sure what the hell the deal is with the air. I like the UC in theory, I mean, it's fucking cool with all the water moving around. I just hated emptying it and it's finicky as hell.

Might give it another go in the summer I have two harvests before then that I HAVE to kill it to find expansion plans. 31,000 watts of gear and 9 tons of AC does NOT come cheap. Shit, the fucking bulbs alone are going to cost me $2,300.
I hear you there in regards to cost. As for the slime issue, I chose to treat mine the natural way by brewing EWC tea and it worked like wonders for me. I try to stay away from chemicals as much as possible. The less going in the better imo.

I am contemplating on expanding and becoming a legal grower for medicinal patients in the future. Here is a tid bit of information for you though in regards to the emptying hassle. I have only done a complete system change out ONCE and I am at roughly week 8 in the grow.(guessing ~40-50 gal total for the system) I changed out at 12 days into bud I think it was roughly.(~6 weeks without change out) Been rocking it non-stop without having to even change out the system! I have been adding water like no tomorrow to the system to keep it topped up because they drink so much, but my methods have mirrored prior feeding schedules with other methods. ie. I top up the water for a couple of days; let the pH fluctuate/rise a couple of points and PPM drop; then ~day 3 I top up the system and feed again to get my PPM's back up to my target. Has worked flawlessly. Once the system is dialed in, the water additions and then nute additions pretty much level the pH again on their own as well. I don't know what else to say other than I seem to have this shit dialed in and I can literally walk away for days without a worry. I love it!


Well-Known Member
You guys should check out Oxystone cylinders. They are well made, and really toss the champagne, unlike the crap at big box pet/aquarium stores.

Time to learn about H2O2 perfect for cleaning. Buy 1 G concentrate and dilute (35% @ 1:11 H2O = 3%)

Too many bubbles? What the hell are they smokin? :lol:


Active Member
I hear you there in regards to cost. As for the slime issue, I chose to treat mine the natural way by brewing EWC tea and it worked like wonders for me. I try to stay away from chemicals as much as possible. The less going in the better imo.

I am contemplating on expanding and becoming a legal grower for medicinal patients in the future. Here is a tid bit of information for you though in regards to the emptying hassle. I have only done a complete system change out ONCE and I am at roughly week 8 in the grow.(guessing ~40-50 gal total for the system) I changed out at 12 days into bud I think it was roughly.(~6 weeks without change out) Been rocking it non-stop without having to even change out the system! I have been adding water like no tomorrow to the system to keep it topped up because they drink so much, but my methods have mirrored prior feeding schedules with other methods. ie. I top up the water for a couple of days; let the pH fluctuate/rise a couple of points and PPM drop; then ~day 3 I top up the system and feed again to get my PPM's back up to my target. Has worked flawlessly. Once the system is dialed in, the water additions and then nute additions pretty much level the pH again on their own as well. I don't know what else to say other than I seem to have this shit dialed in and I can literally walk away for days without a worry. I love it!
Yeah this hole grow I have just done top off's, & will be doing a complete res swap come the first night before flower. Just walked the ppm's up by adding nutes every 7-9 days. The results speak for themselfs & im sure I have alot of room for improvement this being my first grow. I will take a few pics when my lights come on to hold everybody over until the big sunday update. Sunday we go to flower & I cant wait, Stay tuned in everybody this grow should finish off nicely !


Active Member
You guys should check out Oxystone cylinders. They are well made, and really toss the champagne, unlike the crap at big box pet/aquarium stores.

Time to learn about H2O2 perfect for cleaning. Buy 1 G concentrate and dilute (35% @ 1:11 H2O = 3%)

Too many bubbles? What the hell are they smokin? :lol:
No doubt, I Really dont think it can be true to have too much oxygen when in their videos promoting their systems the companies say
" the more oxygen the better & thats what our systems do "

Cant wait to get this system dialed in and really push it to its potential. Hopefully I can bring out some color on this vanilla kush ive seen some purple tinted nugs in some videos / photos. Anybody on here ever worked with this plant and can share some insight into what type of yield / smoke i should be expecting ? Thanks all for making this first grow journal of mine very active, Its turned out to be an awesome thread & i owe you all who are participating !


Active Member
Last video before flowering, Today the timers get re-set ! Wish me luck for the next 55 days lets hope these turn out awesome. Support & subscribe to my channel if u can :)



Well-Known Member
Excited to see the UC flower explosion!!

In other news, I picked up a pond master 100 air pump on eBay for like $160. DUDE! What a fantastic piece of machinery! Sooo much air and soo quiet.


Active Member
Excited to see the UC flower explosion!! In other news, I picked up a pond master 100 air pump on eBay for like $160. DUDE! What a fantastic piece of machinery! Sooo much air and soo quiet.
Thanks for the kind words I cant wait to see how fast these flower & how big they get. I will defiantly need a link for one of those pumps mind throwing one to me in a PM or right on here if its aloud ?


Active Member
Are you going to start lolipopping soon? I can't believe how dense those plans are!! Looks awesome.
I know, This vanilla kush is INSANE. I am hoping for very large yields from it, To some degree I probably will lolly pop them but we make alot of budder with our crops so all those tiny little nugs help :) Thanks a lot for the kind words expect the video update within 12-13 hours once the lights are back on :)


Well-Known Member
well your a more patient trimmer than me. I throw away so much popcorn, its criminal. LOL

Besides, it is very much true that if you trim the hell out of the bottom..and I mean REALLY whack it back, you will defiantly get bigger buds up top. I wold suggest at least really lollipop one plant that way and watch what happens.