Unaired portion of Obama's 60 minute interview...


Well-Known Member
The Republitards not only blocked the transfer of prisoners from GITMO

They bragged about doing it
I don't see any executive orders being forced through to close the place down, if it really was what he wanted he would have done it. The facts are clear to see, actions speak louder than words...

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
If he was a liar
Why would he admit That?
Some people, when facing a crisis (or an election) will confess their shortcomings and hope for sympathy... but, based on past statements and especially the "can't change Washington from the inside", I think he is trying to tell voters, much like the child that gets scolded for throwing snowballs at cars "everybody else was doing it".


Well-Known Member
That your saviour is also a liar . He is a typical politician, he is no diffrent from Romney...He will say what it takes to stay in power. And the idiots will follow!!
politicians lie?

OMFG hell no!

thank you for this informative thread sir. 5 majestic stars upon you.

just kidding, zamboni. you automatically get one star.


Well-Known Member
i hear troll marriages don't work out too well.
We could have some epic arguments and domestic violence after a few drinks and with your wife around i'm sure the sex life would be exciting, if this sounds good to you PM me.
im trying to get married, I need someone who can fold laundry, I have a phobia of it and can't do it, I can cook though.


Well-Known Member
I did not say that Romney was any better. I just do not hear Romney supporters pounding their chest about being ethical. We were promised by this man that the tides would rise and the oceans would heal. He would change the way Washington would do business, instead we got the same ole, same ole....
He DID try to change the way Washington does business, and the Republicans response was to effectively crippled our government when we needed them the most. I don't personally like Obama at all, but his policies trump ANYTHING the republicans have put on the table in the last 4 years.... Oh, wait. They haven't put anything on the table, the just pouted like a bunch of anal retentive kids in their terrible two's that just learned how to say NO to everything whether it was good for the country or not. STILL, no one has any kind of info on Romney's policies because he either doesn't either, or (most likely AND) he is afraid to talk about them now for fear of LOSING the election.
The bottom line is Obama had an IMPOSSIBLE job when he came into office and still managed to END A WAR, KILL BIN LADEN, and keep us out of a DEPRESSION. The Republicans want to go back to Deregulation! WTF? If we think back to the bank, and auto bailouts it wasn't democrats bitching about having to bail out the banks. It was EVERYONE. WE ALL WANTED REGULATION of huge companies! Everyone! Now middle class republicans are all ready to throw ALL progress made away to get a republican back in the White House, and for what? More houseing bubbles, and Bailouts paid for by the middle class, and poor? I'll swallow whatever pill keeps us from going back down that road.
Just elect me, and we can talk about policy later, lol. It's insulting.
Romney= Politics at it's finest.

To be fair:
Obama- Signed the NDAA Act effectively expunging the Bill Of Rights.