Two Week Old Clones Stem is Turning Red


Well-Known Member

Read your book. Maybe you will learn something. and CO2 at 1500PPMs is useless at 85° you need to be in the ninety's for the plants to be able to move it that fast. and more importantly you need HID. who knows what this guy has.

Hes probably got a few CFL's

I believe I answered his question correctly.
Dude, 85°F is the IDEAL temp when CO2 Injecting. I mean it's THE perfect temp and you call it "useless" and tell the others to educate, that's pretty fucked up.

To the OP I'm also having clones with red, purple and even black stems, they seem to continue rooting but a little slower. I changed my res and started to add nutes at seedling rate, I'll get back to you in a couple days.