
Well-Known Member
im am soo pissed, what can i do about this, is there any way i can still salvage some bud out of theses?


Well-Known Member
Tough break, man. Better luck next time. If getting new seeds/clones isn't an option, grow the motherfuckers anyway. Stress is better than no stress.


Active Member
if you can try to buy some male and female hormone to get a seed harvest if your moving so that when you move into your new place you'll have seeds to start with insted of harvesting the bud and having to buy more seeds/clones


Well-Known Member
well i got more seeds comin but i aint germinating them till i move to the next place, it wierd cause the top good buds, dont have any balls and look beautiful but move a litlle lower and fuck


Well-Known Member
juss keep takin off all the balls man and ul still have u bud dont trip u still got it or u can harvest ur buds now and water cure them


Well-Known Member
Just pull those balls off before they crack open and start spreading the pollen. Use a wet napkin or paper towel and remove the pollen carefully. Toss pollen in a plastic bag, seal it up and save it for when you wanna make some seed. As long as the pollen hasn't been released you can still get some nice bud.


Well-Known Member
ohh its too late i just got back from vacation and found them all over it, but unfortunatly there were a few that had opened


Active Member
yeah maybe, i just am so pissed my wife called me saying I SEE HAIRS,, and i come home to see beautiful buds yes but fucken balls man it was horrible
damn and that plant lookes reay healthy and nice , sorry to see and hear that . but my 2c is that I'd let it just finish and save the seeds that you get for when you move into your new place


Well-Known Member
yeah ill do that i have also got about 2o sour diesel coming to me too, it just sucks to go through all that effort for this kind of shit,
and man i hate pickin seeds outa my bud


Active Member
yeah ill do that i have also got about 2o sour diesel coming to me too, it just sucks to go through all that effort for this kind of shit,
and man i hate pickin seeds outa my bud
yea once it starts to get seeds its a pain to pick them out so letting it go is the best , but when you get any males/hermis save the polin so that if you wanna start mixing then you can good luck with your next grow


Active Member
Let nothing negative come out of this, instead think of what a good job you have done nurturing this plant. I can understand where all the anger is coming from, but its certainly not the plants fault ;) i say enjoy it! The amount of times i've actually enjoyed a smoke in my younger years and found a seed or two in it, its the satisfaction you grew it yourself that would almost get you high.

But hey what do i know, i've just started with one seed, it's sprouted and have no more seeds to try anything else so.. im kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Good luck, i hope this doesn't spoil your experience of growing as it looks quite healthy!