Trying to setup an Aeroponic system


Well-Known Member
I've briefly looked over Stinkbud's aeroponic system, is this the most efficient aeroponic DIY system with blueprints?

How much does this total setup cost? (excluding nutrients). Does it require a C02 tank?

Also, can stinkbud's system function as completely aeroponic or does it always have the NFT system?

Not sure if I have the latest version of the blueprints can someone direct me to some links?




and all shall be answered, set-ups, blue prints, configs, everything.

Total set up can be anywhere from $100 for a "single" and a bunch of compact fluorescents to $10,000 for 3 full flowering systems under multiple 1000 W HPS bulbs.

Its all up to you, one of the nice things is that you can do a basic system with that system cheaply.

The musts would be:
1) Meters - PH, and PPM/TDS/EC
2) Nutrients

the materials for the actual system, depending on which one you build, could run you anywhere from $20 - $80. The parts are not expensive at all.

You do still need lights, nutes, the meters, fans, a room etc...


Well-Known Member
Oh okay, Thanks a lot I actually just found that website. haha.
I already have lights just wanted to know the material cost which you stated... though I have a feeling it may be more since I need to buy drill bits and what not.

1000w HPS can be had on craigslist for like $200 or less..

What's a good quality meter that won't crap out and isn't super expensive?


Yes, the odds and ends can add up, tape, odor control, mylar etc.

Clones only need water until they get big enough to move to vegging, and have healthy enough roots. Giving them nutes at first will probably kill them, and would be wasted anyway, they dont have roots yet. They just need to get the new roots going first and yup, all they need is water to do that. But unless you are starting from clones/clippings, you wont have to worry about that for a while. But yes, they do just live off plain water for the first 2-3 weeks, and can for even longer, if you have seen the SeeMoreBuds videos (highly recommended) he has several segments where he shows clones that have been left in nothing but rockwool cubes and a tray of water for months and they are still alive. He also shows clones that look dead, but in just a few days after being cleaned up and given water and light come back and make awesome plants.

They are tough little suckers.