TRUMPTARD NUNES mocked for panicking after reporters questions ....


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‘Snowflake’ Devin Nunes Mocked For Panicking After Reporter’s Question.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) is being mocked on Twitter after claiming that he’s the victim of someone who “stalked” him.
*Insert Laughter

However, the image he shared on Twitter was of reporter Lee Fang of The Intercept ― and footage doesn’t show stalking but rather ordinary reporting.

Video from the scene shows Fang identifying himself, then calmly attempting to question Nunes outside a $15,000-a-plate GOP fundraiser on Saturday.

Specifically, Fang asked Nunes about his contacts with Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani ― attorney to President Donald Trump ― who has been indicted on federal campaign finance charges.

The House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report released last week includes phone records from AT&T showing multiple calls between Nunes and Parnas.

“What was the content of those calls?” he asked. “Were you part of this effort to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Nunes does not speak in the footage but instead shakily photographs both Fang and the camera operator filming the encounter.

The Intercept said Nunes spoke to a Capitol Police officer, who ordered the reporters out of the hotel where the fundraiser was held.

But given the routine nature of the encounter ― a reporter who identifies himself questioning a congressman about a matter he’s allegedly involved in ― critics were quick to call out Nunes for some “snowflake” behavior: ..... Sad fuck Nunes ... hope this fucker ends up on trial.