Trump admits collusion


Well-Known Member
So, how about that Trump administration's ruling that makes it legal to kill hibernating bears? It's legal. OK to do it if it's legal?

I'm just messing with you.
I wouldn't do it. Its not fair to the bear if it were legal.

Laws like that usually vary by state.

But to answer your tease, we all have our own moral compass. There are things legal I wouldn't do and things illegal I would do.
maybe if everyone did what you do I might have a different perspective

but in my experience most do not
Ok. Ill bite.

Name personal things or times you've actually seen illegal hunting practices.

Did you call fish and game to report it?

Actual personal experience. Not something you read. Reading stories about it doesn't give a good perspective.

Every hunter I've been around has had similar views to mine.

I've seen poaching and reported it. I've actually stopped and said something I saw illegal and wrong. If I saw someone kill an animal and leave it lay I would kick their ass.

There will always be some bad apples. Don't judge the good hunters by their actions.

If game officers are doing wrong report it. I've known a number of game wardens. Every one I've known was passionate about their job.

I've volunteered and worked with them also. They do a lot of work repopulating animals.

I don't doubt there are a few bad ones.
deep in the mountains of old moonshine country within the bible belt

small farm community where everyone knows everyone

reporting someone in these parts would be the equivalent to snitching on your cell mate for doing drugs in jail

theyd fuck me up and burn down my house

if I want to see animal cruelty I can just drive around, its everywhere

dogs covered in ticks and fleas tied to ropes they've never been off left out thru the cold and snow with toe nails as long as my fingers likely never been to a vet in there life and still intact

cows stuffed it tiny pens to make veal.. chickens stuffed in tiny spaces and horses covered in shit

I don't need a video to see it

go ahead and call the humane society, I did it once when I first moved her

guy had 20 beagles tied up in the yard covered in shit and ticks and was breeding and selling them, the humane society said as long as the dogs aren't under weight theres nothing to do

and then all they neighbors fucking hated me

on the other hand its nice that everyone minds there own business as is part of the culture

most of the locals, there family has been on these lands for over 100 years passed on to the next generation and some still own huge parcels

you come around there land telling them what to do and some hillbillys gonna shoot ya
I live in the hills in the bible belt.

Sure some don't treat their animals right. That's not what we are talking about.

You don't have to give your name when you report something.


Well-Known Member
In countries where corruption is not an issue letting rich people hunt a few animals pays for officers to stop the poaching of the rest.

I wouldn't do it myself but it works when the money is used right.

The places in Africa it works have much higher endangered animal populations.

We have the resources here to protect animals. In third world shit holes they have no way of paying wildlife officers.

There will always be poachers.
If i had the money they had i would donate to these wildlife conservations with no strings attached not pay to kill the animals just so i can take a stupid pic.
No excuse for killing innocent animals


Well-Known Member
If i had the money they had i would donate to these wildlife conservations with no strings attached not pay to kill the animals just so i can take a stupid pic.
No excuse for killing innocent animals
I can agree with that but unfortunately that's not the world we live in.

What's innocent? I mean where do you draw the line? I mean do you eat meat? That cow and chicken are innocent.

Its an arbitrary line. What makes it right to kill one animal for food or because its a pest but not another?

I don't support sport killing. Just want to know your thoughts on killing one animal is ok but not another.


Well-Known Member
yep, i keep a flock of chickens and ducks here too. locked in at night and free roaming in the day.
I'm willing to bet you have one decimated tick population around there.
A guy I used to live across the street from had dozens of em. Ducks and a few geese as well. I don't think I ever pulled a tick off from myself the entire time I lived there. They always made their rounds in my yard during the day.
Although I had to start checking the back of my SUV when I would take off at night.
I had 2 of the little guys that liked to roost up on the back of it on the spare tire rack.
Figured that out when they went for a ride one night and some dudes pointed it out when I stopped.
They went on quite the adventure and surprisingly made it back just fine.


Well-Known Member
Is it much work? I'd love to have a few hens for fresh eggs but I don't have much spare time to look after them
Not much work at all. Just cleaning up the coop every so often and locking them up and turning them loose.

We keep about 6 laying hens and a rooster. Those 6 hens provide more eggs than we can eat and I give eggs away.

The eggs taste better to me from free roaming chickens that eat bugs and stuff.

The yolks are darker and the eggs taste richer.

Have you seen my cock?
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Well-Known Member
That's a big bird!

I'm a vegetarian, so I have some differing opinions on this whole subject, BUT, if you're going to eat meat I agree with the way you're doing it. It's healthier for you, and certainly healthier for the planet. Factory farm raised meat is wrong on so many levels.

I don't believe human consumption of meat is something that is sustainable though. The population of the planet is exploding, and there simply isn't enough land to sustain the population on a meat-based diet. It's staggering the amount of grain/corn that needs to be grown to fatten up an animal enough to slaughter.

We probably won't see it in our lifetime, but our kids will likely live in a world where meat of any variety will be a luxury item that only the 1% can afford.
Nah, its gonna be cheap, we're going to grow it in vats.


Well-Known Member
Not much work at all. Just cleaning up the coop every so often and locking them up and turning them loose.

We keep about 6 laying hens and a rooster. Those 6 hens provide more eggs than we can eat and I give eggs away.

The eggs taste better to me from free roaming chickens that eats bugs and stuff.

The yolks are darker and the eggs taste richer.

Have you seen my cock?
View attachment 3978406
I like duck eggs better, got to get some ducks again. The good thing about having chickens or ducks is that the eggs are fresh, they fluff up in the pan and taste so much better than store bought.


Well-Known Member
Not much work at all. Just cleaning up the coop every so often and locking them up and turning them loose.

We keep about 6 laying hens and a rooster. Those 6 hens provide more eggs than we can eat and I give eggs away.

The eggs taste better to me from free roaming chickens that eats bugs and stuff.

The yolks are darker and the eggs taste richer.
View attachment 3978406
I'm so jealous. Our HOA would have a conniption if anybody dared try something like that.


Well-Known Member
I like duck eggs better, got to get some ducks again. The good thing about having chickens or ducks is that the eggs are fresh, they fluff up in the pan and taste so much better than store bought.
I've raised chickens and turkey for food before, but not ducks. We had some pet ducks before a racoon or a fishercat got to them :( I'd love to have some ducks again. I like not having to refrigerate fresh eggs. How good are the duck eggs?


Well-Known Member
Not much work at all. Just cleaning up the coop every so often and locking them up and turning them loose.

We keep about 6 laying hens and a rooster. Those 6 hens provide more eggs than we can eat and I give eggs away.

The eggs taste better to me from free roaming chickens that eat bugs and stuff.

The yolks are darker and the eggs taste richer.

Have you seen my cock?
View attachment 3978406
If I'm not mistaken, you've shown us your big back cock before? We get it, okay? o_O


Well-Known Member
Not much work at all. Just cleaning up the coop every so often and locking them up and turning them loose.

We keep about 6 laying hens and a rooster. Those 6 hens provide more eggs than we can eat and I give eggs away.

The eggs taste better to me from free roaming chickens that eat bugs and stuff.

The yolks are darker and the eggs taste richer.

Have you seen my cock?
View attachment 3978406
By the way, I really hope you say, "excuse me while I whip this out", as you free that thing from the coop each morning.